Saturday, September 10, 2022

Caturday Art


Well, today wuz better. No being locked up while momma blah blahed about law stuffs and NO getting a baff. Instead, I got a bike ride (AND my walk) and I got to watch da footballs wif momma. 

Here are momma's art for today. Ok, it are not a westie, but it are a pup. I GUESS I'll let a basset pass. BOL.


  1. Love that Bassett! If I am correct, you had bassets before you had Westies?

    Glad you got to be with your momma all day.

    1. Yup - momma had four bassets growing up (Maybelline, Sam, Delilah, and Hank). She still really loves the breed - they are such sweeties. There's a basset in our apartment complex and momma luvs seeing him.

  2. It sounds like you had a good day. That's a cute drawing by your mom.


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!