Friday, September 2, 2022

Flower Friday

Hi pals! Well, as ya can probably tell by da state of my feets, we had some wet weather dis week.

Lubbock doesn't exactly do well wif drainage, da streets tend to flood wif about an inch of rain and we had three - but luckily I didn't wash away. We still has a few flowers here, but I are gonna show ya some flowers from my BFF's home base in Plano since there are more going on there.

Hope everyone has a pawsome long weekend!


  1. The flowers are beautiful and so vibrant!

  2. Such beautiful flowers Kinley. And we are so glad that you didn't get washed away by the rain. And what's a set of muddy paws between friends?

    1. Dat's what I told momma when I hopped into her bed.

  3. Those are all such pretty flowers. We're glad you didn't float away from all that rain. BOL!

  4. Replies
    1. We had three inches or so. Which are not dat much, except in Lubbock it are a TON and da town are not built for drainage - it floods when there's an inch of rain.

  5. Thank you for stopping by to say Hello. Gosh we have missed seeing your cute dresses n the flowers. every time we see an Orange kitty we are reminded of sweet Crocket. We'll be back to see what kind of shenanigan's your up too now.

  6. Ooooooo...We always enjoy seeing the high Biscuits at your Gramma's house...and those other flowers are sooooo pretty too!!

    Soooo, did the rains wash away some of that Lubbuck dust?
    Rosy and the Gang

    1. Yeah and it actually made da grass in da park GREEN instead of dead.

  7. I think that rain came in just in time for things to not die off completely! We know all bout muddy paws, and even schnooters!

    Your flowers are always o bright and vibrant!


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!