Friday, April 7, 2023

Happy Birthday Travis!

Today are Travis' 10th birthday! Happy birthday brofur!

I know you loved my birthday kisses, BOL.

Now, I get some of your birthday bacon, right??


  1. Happy Birthday, Travis! We sure hope you share some of that bacon with Kinley.

  2. Happy birthday Travis! I hope you get some yummy bacon and other goodies today!

  3. Hey Travis, happy 10th birthday to you (a day late). Hope you had a great day and will have a great 11th year! XOX Xena, Lucy, Chia and Riley

  4. happee bee lated birth day dood !! hope yur day total lee rocked and ewe getted lotz oh bacon N sauzagez two !! did ewe get inta trubull ?? we hope sew !!

    and hay

    we bee on free wi fi two day !!!

    sew stoppin bye with paste N coppee

    with easturr greetinz and NOE BURD

    happee fun day hippee hoppee :) ♥♥

  5. You and Travis are becoming great friends...we think...BOL!

    Somehow after we were at Travis' page we missed your belated greetings to your feline brofur, Kinley!


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!