Friday, April 28, 2023

Law Professor Kinley

Hi pals!

Well, yesterday wuz my momma's last day of work at Texas Tech. Ok, she still has to grade papers and tests and stuffs, but it wuz her last day of class. So I got to come to class wif her!

I got to wear one of my new dresses to show off!

Here are a close up!

Anyways, after stopping for a Starbucks puppaccino, we went to momma's work.

I got lotsa pets and I got to sit in a chair and watch da class while momma talked. Pretty shure most of em wuz watching me though. 

Then we went on a walk around campus. I got to pose by da fountain at Memorial Circle.

Didja know Texas Tech are 100 years old? Dat are almost as old as some of momma's former coworkers I thinks. BOL BOL.

There are a statute of Will Rogers on campus. Not really shure why since he are from Oklahoma, but maybe there were already enuf Buddy Holly statutes in Lubbock?

Well, we're gonna be saying bye bye to Texas Tech and Lubbock soon. But I enjoyed my walk around campus!


  1. Kinley, we know you totally stole the show while your Momma was delivering her class. But now we want to know, where next?

  2. We bet you made a big impression on your mom's students, Kinley. There sure is a lot to explore on that campus. It's too bad your time there is over, but we bet you are heading back to Plano and will be reunited with Brinley and all those kitties there.

  3. Wow! How exciting that you got to go to your Momma's work. Looks like it was a perfect day too. I bet everyone loved seeing you, Kinley.

    1. I think I made da whole encroaching finals a lil less scary.


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!