Sunday, August 30, 2015

Sunday Selfie

Well, dis mornin it wuz a bizee Death March I means Zombie Patrol™.  Seems like da cooler weather, and yeah, when da high are only in 90s and it are cloudy dat are cooler weather for Texas in da summer, has inspired lotsa zombies and dere zombie dogs to go for walks.  So I barked em up good.  And I's pretty sure I did a good job at scarin em away.  I scared some so bad dat dey even started dat nervous laffter outta FEAR!  It are cuz I's so furoshus, I knows it.

Den I relaxed wif some floatin in da pool and I even gotsa a baff.  And I heard an evil roomor bout groomin, anyone wanna help me come up wif a good hidin place??

REMINDER: Please send in your pics for my 13th Birthday Pool Pawty by Tuesday, September 8th to  Any kind of water picture (pool, ocean, lake) would be pawsome, but if ya's not a water pup, dat's fine - dere'll be a lot of fun for landlubbers on da patio by da grill!  I's been gettin in pics and so far dey all look pawsome!

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Saturday, August 29, 2015

Demolishun Derby Queen!

Dat are right, it are me!  I's your 2015 Blogville Demolishun Derby Queen!  Fanks so much Blogville!  I's so happy I don't have to hide in my bed and cry like momma's friend did in high school when she didn't make Homecoming Court.  BOL BOL!  My momma had no such eggspecktayshuns, she knew she wuzn't eggsactly Miss Popular.

And look at da cutie pie dat are da Derby King - it are Mister Ziggy!  Oh boy, ya know how I likes a younger man.  ;)

Ya can see da rest of da good-lookin court over at Dory's blog!  I's off to go check out da Demolishun Derby at Oreo's - can't wait to see how da winner is!

REMINDER: Please send in your pics for my 13th Birthday Pool Pawty by Tuesday, September 8th to  Any kind of water picture (pool, ocean, lake) would be pawsome, but if ya's not a water pup, dat's fine - dere'll be a lot of fun for landlubbers on da patio by da grill!  I's been gettin in pics and so far dey all look pawsome!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Floatin Along

I's just been floatin along, enjoyin some pool time wif my momma.  Even if today wuz kinda cloudy.

And even if today's white nail polish makes my furs look kinda dingy in comparison.

It has not been a real good summer to be one of my long time pals.  It are just gettin depressin.  Yesterday, my good buddy, Atticus Finch, founder of da Westies Unite group on Dogster, had to go to da Rainbow Bridge.  He wuz only 10 1/2 and got nasty liver cancer.

Wuzn't he a good lookin guy?  I's gonna miss him big time.  And den dis morning, I found out dat da human momma of my Westie pals Darby and Caleigh has liver cancer too.  And da prognosis are not good.  :(

Sorry to be such a downer lately, but dere are some good news.  My big birfday surprise are OFFFISHULLY ON!  It are actually happenin and I's so eggcited!  Anybody got any guesses??

REMINDER: Please send in your pics for my 13th Birthday Pool Pawty by Tuesday, September 8th to  Any kind of water picture (pool, ocean, lake) would be pawsome, but if ya's not a water pup, dat's fine - dere'll be a lot of fun for landlubbers on da patio by da grill!  I's been gettin in pics and so far dey all look pawsome!  

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Wordless Wednesday

REMINDER: Please send in your pics for my 13th Birthday Pool Pawty by Tuesday, September 8th to  Any kind of water picture (pool, ocean, lake) would be pawsome, but if ya's not a water pup, dat's fine - dere'll be a lot of fun for landlubbers on da patio by da grill!    

Monday, August 24, 2015

A Major Announcement!

As some of y'all know, I are gonna be a teenager nextest month.  My 13th birthday are on Saturday, September 12 and I finally convinced momma to let me have a virtual pool pawty for all of my Blogville pals to celebrate!

If ya wants to come, please send a picture of yourself to by Tuesday, September 8.  A pic of ya playin in da water would be da bestest, whether dat water are a pool, da beach, or a lake.  But if ya ain't a water pup and ya still wants to come, dat are ok.  After all, dat are what da patio and BBQ are are for!  Finley are gonna be snoopervisin da grill, and we's gonna have all kindsa fun cocktails!  Cuz yeah, dat are how we roll.  It are kinda an end of summer pool pawty theme, even though summer and pool time can keep goin here in Texas for da whole month of Sepetmeber (if I's lucky).  So start sendin in your photos to be included!

I got some good pool time in wif my momma today, lotsa floatin.  I even laid down in da water for da longest time while we listened to music.  We had to get outta da water cuz of da thunderboomers though.  Boo!

And I heard some real eggcitin talk bout what I might be gettin for my birthday - I wants to tell y'all so bad, but I doesn't want to jinx it yet.  Let's just say it are somefin I has been askin for for a LONG time.  Feel free to guess if ya wanna.

P.S.  I just met a new blogger today, she are an adorable lil schnauzer girl named Suri from Indonesia who just started up her blog.  So hop on over there and say hi, she are so cute ya ain't gonna regret it.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Sunday Selfie

Hey y'all!  I knows I looks a lil sleepy in dis selfie, but I had a pretty good weekend and I got in a lotta pool time.

I played pool ball really hard yesterday - I wuz showin off for Finley's momma.  I always play more when Finley's momma or daddy are playin wif me - I gotta show off for dem.  Wif my momma, I just tends to relax more, since she already knows my secret dat I are an old pup.  Probably cuz I wakes her up every night to help me get back up in da bed (she are talkin bout gettin me a ramp since my bench I used to be able to use are not cuttin it anymore).

I can still play pretty good when I push myself though.

It did wear me out though, I wuz so tired dat I even let my momma snuggle me last night.  Yeah, I wuz egg-zausted!

Today wuz just a float round da pool day.  Momma tried to play wif me, but I wuzn't dat interested.

Dis are one of my favorite things to do dis summer, lie down on da pool float wif my momma.  It keeps me nice and cool too.  Dis are a real change, last year I played all da time and never really wanted to just float.  But I are almost 13, and some things are changin.  But it are ok, I still gets my pool time, even if it are a lil less active dan it used to be.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

It Are Reverse Racism It Are!

Hey y'all.  Lastest week, my momma wuz at da grocery story and she saw somefin she just had to get.  And I said I'd let her show it off on my blog, after all, some of my Scottie pals and dere peeps might be interested.  So here are da Licorice Scotties.

Yup, she saw Scottie licorice candy. Her and Finley's daddy are da only licorice-luvin peeps round here, so she's been enjoyin em.

And dey is cute.  But why are dere no white candies???  I mean, I got on da internets and saw dey even make RED scottie licorice candy.  And scotties ain't red.  Well, some of y'all may have a lil bits of reddish color in your furs (I does too), but dat are Ariel da Little Mermaid or Clifford da Big Red Dog red and I has never seen a bright red dog like dat.  On da udder hand, dere are white terrierists.  Like yours truly.  And we's not represented at all!

Ok, maybe y'all are sayin, well, licorice are black or red.   But what bout vanilla??  Vanilla are white and it are one of my favorites - I luvs me some Nilla Wafers (my all-time favorite treat).  So how bout vanilla-flavored westie candy to go along wif da licorice scotties??  Look at my dress today - it's got scotties AND westies!  We can all lives togefur.  I's just askin for some representayshun.  #whitedogsmatter #whitedogsmattertoo #reverseracism #whitepower #ignoredatlasthashtag

Ok, I got some updates on my pals I told y'all about earlier dis week.  Ebby went to da vet - she has an enlarged heart and is now on heart medicines and doin better - she hasn't coughed since she started em.  And her limpin wuz from a luxatin patella, which I knows all too well bout.  Freckles also went to da vet - da vet are thinkin it are vestibular syndrome and he could still use some POTP and pawrayers.  And I just read dat my pal Isadora are not doing good either - please send her some POTP also.  Fanks y'all!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

POTP Needed!

I don't need da POTP, but two of my very good pals does.  So please send it dere way.

My pal Ebby (she are da pup wif da bow on) are not doing good.  She has been coughin lots and has been draggin one of her back legs.  Her sisfur, Ceeley (who are in da pic wif her), had to leave to go to da Bridge lastest month.  Ebby are at least 14 (she wuz found abandoned on a ranch), so please send her lotsa POTP.

And 13 year old my pal Freckles are also not doin good - he can hardly walk and are not eatin.  His momma thinks he may have had a stroke or have a vestibular syndrome.  Please visit his blog to leave him some POTP.

I'd planned on showin y'all somefin real cute today dat I think my Scottie pals (and dere peeps) will luv, but I are just not in da mood after hearin dis bad news bout my pals.  I'll show it later dis week probably.  Just send some POTP and prayers to my pals, ok??

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Sunday Selfie

Hope y'all had a pawsome Sunday!  I sure did - I gots in my pool ball and I are smellin BBQ chikken!!!  Yummmmm!  Hopin I can woof some outta momma - it are gonna be tuff becuz she luvs da BBQ chikken, but I are hopin dat I can gets a lil bit.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Pool Ball Saturday

Even though it wuz a cool Saturday (for us, cool in August means dat it wuz only in da 90s and not in da triple digits) I gots my pool ball in big time today!

Momma even got a lil movie of me!

Da furstest pup who can tell me da song dat are playin in da clip gets bonus points.  Dey ain't good for nuffin really, but it are better dan gettin a butt bite.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Sad Stuffs

It's not been a real great week, well speshully not if ya is one of my LWD pals.  

Today my good pal Puff Darby went to go join his sisfur Coco Rose at da Rainbow Bridge.  Puffy, I'll never forget ya or your stuffie ranch.  I luvs ya tons and I are gonna miss ya.  I are sendin big hugs to your lil sisfur Mei-Ling, I know she are gonna miss her big brudder a lot.

My pal from Canookistan, Miss Bella, also had to go to da Rainbow Bridge.  She wuz one of my pals from Westies Unite back on Dogster and I's kept up wif her and her brofur Ichabod on da Book of Faces.  We's all gonna miss ya Bella.

My pal Princess, also from Westies Unite and da Book of Faces went to da Bridge da day after Bella. Princess and her siblings wuz known as The Wigglebutts and Princess was the last of the original Wigglebutts (at least when I "met" them online in 2009).  I are gonna miss ya.

So there has been WAY too many of my pals going off to da Bridge lately and ya needs to stop it!  So no more of dis are allowed, ok??

I are doing ok, well, I guess.  I didn't get no pool ball today cuz it wuz da day for my monthly flea treatment, but momma promised more pool ball tomorrow.  I did get a new stuffie shark, so dat are somefin.  But on my walk, dis woman had to point out to momma repeatedly dat I wuz limpin.  I's almost 13, I has arthur-eye-tis, and most of da time I walk wif a limp.  Da vetman has said I should keep walkin, dat it are good for me (I has udder ideas sometimes).  But it made momma really upset, she knows I are gettin older, she doesn't need strangers pointin it out to her.  She's not dumb, even if she does look like an overly-tanned, bleach-blonde Barbie.  She's got da diploma from Hahvahd to proves it (although I are not sure what eggsactly dat proves since some of her classmates ate my dog treats at her Halloween pawty).  Anyways, here's hopin ya are havin a better week dan me.  Maybe tomorrow will be better - after all, as dey says in one of momma's favorite movies "tomorrow are anudder day" or somefin like dat (P.S. - Dey sing Under da Sea in her udder favorite movie.  She may gots da Hahvahd degree, but sometimes she are still three spinnin round pretendin to be Ariel.)

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Wellness Pure Rewards Grain-Free Venison Jerky Bits from Chewy!

Hey y'all!  Today I got to try out da Wellness Pure Rewards Grain-Free Venison Jerky Bits from  Chewy are da online pet store dat delivers foods and treats right to your doorstep!

Dese treats also come in beef, venison and salmon, turkey and salmon, and turkey.  But I picked da venison.  Bye bye Bambi, sorry if ya like da movie momma, but deer is yummy!!

Da Wellness Pure Rewards Grain-Free Venison Jerky Bits are small training treats.  Training?  I sure hope my momma ain't eggspectin dis old dog to learn any new tricks, unless it are a new way to avoid going for walks, BOL BOL!

Dey are made in da USA da only ingredients are venison, dried chicory root, cultured whey, salt, lecithin, garlic, and mixed tocopherols.  So Finley gets to have dis treat too.

Looks tasty to me!

Hand it over momma!

Those wuz yummy!  But I think I need a couple more, dey wuz kinda small.

Finley wuz eager to try these treats out.

I don't know why my momma always has to tease us.

I think Finley are ready for seconds!  So am I!

We both liked dese treats, so we are givin em 8 paws up and 2 waggin tails!  

Again, we wuz impressed by Chewy's fast shippin - our treats came right away.  Fanks so much Chewy!

Disclaimer: As part of the Chewy Blogger Program, I wuz provided the treat for free for an honest review, but wuz not paid for my opinion.  Not that I wouldn't take a nice trip to da beach though.  Or a brand new convertible to cruise round town in.