Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Natural Balance Limited Ingredient Treats from Chewy!

Hi pals! Well, it has been rainin all day, so no walks or bike rides for me.  But ya know what rainy days are made for???  Chewy reviews!

We picked da Sweet Potato and Bison flavor to try.

Da Natural Balance Limited Ingredient Treats are crunchy treats.  Dey are made in da USA and dey do not has corn, wheat, or soy products.  Dey come in a 14 oz bag (dere are also an 8 oz small breed bag wif smaller treats, but us westies think we are big dogs).

Dese limited ingredient treats are marketed for dogs wif food allergeez, but dey duz contain potatoes, which are one da things Finley are slightly allergick (most of her allergeez are environmental). She got to have some anyways, she are almost 12 and she wuz only barely allergick to potatoes (she gets Frenchie fries on Whataburger nites too - I mean, ya only live once).  Anyways, back to da treats - da ingredients are dried potatoes, sweet potatoes, bison meal, potato protein, dried cane molasses, canola oil, natural flavor, sodium chloride, mixed tocopherols, and citric acid.  Each treat has 15 calories.

Well, dey look tasty!

Finley wuz eager to try it!

And look - my momma ackshually got a good pic for once!  Finley really liked em.

Brinley got to try hers next.

And she wuz smackin her lips soon!

I forgot to menshun how I dressed up for da taste test.

I fink my shirt says it all.

Well, it smells good . . . 

And it tastes great!

Now, how bout seconds??

I mean, wet paws equal extra treats, right??

Me, Brinley, and Finley is givin da Natural Balance Limited Ingredient Treats 12 paws up and 3 waggin tails!  Fanks so much for lettin us try these treats! As always, we wuz impressed by Chewy's fast shippin - our treats came right away.  Fanks so much Chewy!

Disclaimer: As part of the Chewy Blogger Program, I wuz provided the treats for free for an honest review, but wuz not paid for my opinion.  Although I could use a couple hundred (MORE) tennis balls.  ;)  I luvs me some tennis balls.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Monday Funday!

Yeah, ya read dat right.  MONDAY Funday.  And not just cuz I are wearin my bunneh dress.  

We had to pack in da fun today since it are sposed to rain tomorrow.  So we got a nice walk and I got a bike ride.  Where I saw a Skye terrier.  And way too many skwerrils I had to bark.

Finley had to get a baff today, so her Funday wuz not quite as fun.  But we all got French fries and dat wuz definitely fun!

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Sunday Selfies

I know, it has been a long time, no bark for me.

Ok, maybe missin a couple days of bloggin ain't dat bad, but I like barkin to my pals!

And I has pawsome news to bark about!

Bike rides are BACK!  And me and momma has been bikin a lot - we went on 90 minute rides for da last couple days.

I has so much fun feelin da wind in my furs. And I get tons of compliments - everyone are always sayin how cute I are. And some peeps turn and talk to the dogs they are walkin and talk about me like "look Fido, that dog is riding in a basket."  Which for some reason makes my momma wanna crack up.

And in more good news, I are gettin walks again!

So now da skwerrils better be prepared - da Westie Trio are back full force!

Ok, gettin da three of us in a photo are tuff, but momma did pretty good wif my sisfurs.  I think I wuz busy eatin!

I do has da prettiest sisters, don't I?

And da lump from my incision are goin down and da red around it is gone!  So good news!

Now it are time for my walk, gotta go have fun!

And tell duz skwerrils who's boss!

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Canidae Grain-Free Pure Chewy Treats from Chewy

Hi pals! Well, I are are still on "Restricted Duty" (AKA no walks, no jumpin, no chasin kittehs, and havin to wear da Cone of Shame™ when I are unsnoopervised), but I is definitely not restricted from eatin.  So it wuz a pawfect day to do a Chewy review!

We picked da Wild Boar and Cherry flavor to try.

Da Canidae Grain-Free Pure Chewy Treats are soft-baked chewy treats.  Dey are made in da USA and dey do not has corn, wheat, soy, or fillers.

Dey duz have peas, sweet potatoes, vegetable glycerin, pork meal, cane molasses, gelatin, wild boar, cherries, chicken fat, natural flavor, rosemary extract, and green tea extract. Each treat has 26 calories.

Ya can see da cherries!

And Finley could definitely smell da tastiness!

She wuz a big fan!

Brinley got to try hers next.

Look at her chomp!

FINALLY I gots my treat (since I is da one wif post-surgical complicayshuns, shouldn't I be gettin to go furst??)

Da wait wuz worth it!

But uhhh, we really need to do a second taste test.

I mean, ya want our reviews to be accurate, right momma??

Me, Brinley, and Finley is givin da Canidae Grain-Free Pure Chewy Treats 12 paws up and 3 waggin tails!  Fanks so much for lettin us try these treats! As always, we wuz impressed by Chewy's fast shippin - our treats came right away.  Fanks so much Chewy!

Disclaimer: As part of the Chewy Blogger Program, I wuz provided the treats for free for an honest review, but wuz not paid for my opinion.  Although I could use a couple hundred (MORE) tennis balls.  ;)  I luvs me some tennis balls.