Sunday, September 29, 2019

Sunday Selfies

Hi pals!

I know we has not barked at ya since Wednesday (OMD!), but don't worry, we has been barking things plenty.

Like skwerrils, peeps walking down da street, da wind blowing, windshield wipers on TV, doorbells, garbage bags . . . 

Figments of our imaginayshun DANGERUZ zombies!

Ya know, it are almost Zombie Season. So be shure to be on da lookout and bark em good!

Finley taught us everything we knows bout being FEERLESS zombie hunters.

It involves a lotta barking.

But da reason we hasn't barked at y'all isn't cuz zombie huntin are taking up all our time, it is cuz momma has been kinda preoccupated wif my kitty brofur Travis. He are doing a lil better, but are still WAY too skinny.

So he are getting LOTSA food. I wish I got dat much food. I mean, I could get fed six times a day . . . 

But then I probably wouldn't look quite so cute in my selfie. Ok, I don't even know if I'd fit in da frame!

Brinley takes a pretty good selfie too.

And Finley goes for a serious look. Serious about treats that are!

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

POTP for Travis!

Hey pals!

Well, I'd like to be barkin bout Aunt Ally's birthday and da bacon and STEAK we got.

Brinley says - insert STEAK here!

But some things are more important than steak. Ok VERY few things.

One of em is my kitty brofur Travis.

He are not feeling good and had to spend da day at the vet. He's been having some digestive problems (vomiting and diarrhea) and today he even barfed up water. So my momma took him to the vet - he's dropped a lot of weight. So he spent all day at the vet's - getting meds and sub-q fluids.

Ya know me, I LUV the kitties. Maybe a lil "too much" sometimes, but I do luv Travis and want him to feel better. 

Then we can go back to playing chasey.

So please send our brofur some POTP, ok pals?

Monday, September 23, 2019

Music Monday!

Hey pals! Tomorrow are a very speshul day at casa de westie!

It are gonna be our Aunt Ally's birthday, so we are gonna share some of her favorite songs this week. Our kitty siblings did the same thing, but don't worry, ya won't hear any repeats here.   

We luv Ally so much and hope she has a pawsome day and likes hearing these songs!

Ally luvs George Strait. Momma says the happiest she's ever seen Allison wuz when they went to the Bastrop Fire Relief concert in Austin and saw George Strait. I wonder if Ally looked as happy as I look when I get some steak.

Ally also luvs Xtina and luvs this song. And it are a beautiful one. Almost as beautiful as steak.

Ally also luvs P!nk a lot - da mommas went to her concert earlier this year - she wuz amazing! And this song will always make momma think of Ally. 

Green Day are my momma's favorite band and this song is one of Ally's favorites. 

And da mommas both luv Bowling For Soup - this funny song always cracks Ally up. Hope ya liked hearing some of Ally's favorites. Happy birthday Aunt Ally, we luv you! And we'd luv to share in your birthday steak . . .  

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Sunday Selfies

Hi pals!

We hope your weekend wuz as much fun as ours!

We got play time out in the backyard, lotsa cuddle time, walks, bike rides . . . 

And since Brinley's daddy wuz outta town - she got to bark da TV all nite long!! 

For some reason, he's not a fan of her barking the TV at two in the morning.

Anyways, we are planning to greet him wif LOTSA kisses!

But furst, we hafta show ya our selfies today.

Our dresses must have brought our teams good luck, since all three of em won!

So, we should celebrate. I'm thinking steaks??? Or do we hafta wait until Ally's birthday on Tuesday?

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Bark Like a Pirate Day

Ahoy ye scurvy dogs! Us trio of fearless pirates be planning a raid to plunder and pillage the briny deep of the kitchen. Cap'n Finley the Ferocious be leading the way.

First Mate Brinley the Brave are firing the bark cannons. 

And me, Quartermaster Kinley Whitebeard are ready to sniff plunder all the booty and drink all the grog!!! Happy Bark Like a Pirate Day!

Monday, September 16, 2019

Music Monday

Hi pals. We wuz gettin ready to do a Music Monday post, but furst we have some sad news. Da momma of Milton and Mr. Stubbs (Shirley Carroll) has passed away. They were our pals and commented on a lot of blogs, so we figured some of you would want to know. 

The theme of this week's Mewsic Moves Me blog hop is celebrating Farm Aid, the annual music festival to support family farmers. Since farmers mean FOOD, we are obviously big fans.

Here's some of momma's favorites performing at Farm Aid. She's seen all of these musicians live and definitely recommends seeing them if ya have da chance.


Momma luvs Kacey.

And Margo!

Ya can't have a Farm Aid post without Willie!