Sunday, September 29, 2019

Sunday Selfies

Hi pals!

I know we has not barked at ya since Wednesday (OMD!), but don't worry, we has been barking things plenty.

Like skwerrils, peeps walking down da street, da wind blowing, windshield wipers on TV, doorbells, garbage bags . . . 

Figments of our imaginayshun DANGERUZ zombies!

Ya know, it are almost Zombie Season. So be shure to be on da lookout and bark em good!

Finley taught us everything we knows bout being FEERLESS zombie hunters.

It involves a lotta barking.

But da reason we hasn't barked at y'all isn't cuz zombie huntin are taking up all our time, it is cuz momma has been kinda preoccupated wif my kitty brofur Travis. He are doing a lil better, but are still WAY too skinny.

So he are getting LOTSA food. I wish I got dat much food. I mean, I could get fed six times a day . . . 

But then I probably wouldn't look quite so cute in my selfie. Ok, I don't even know if I'd fit in da frame!

Brinley takes a pretty good selfie too.

And Finley goes for a serious look. Serious about treats that are!


  1. we will help you to bark all zombies away! and we send lots of POTP to Travis... and a BIG hug.

  2. Yikes, I forgot about zombies, thankfully we have a large moat and drawbridge, MOL
    Anyways, you ladies are looking stunning, and as much as I know I would like to have the extra food myself, I know that I need to look trim and my best for my mancat. Plus if I get any fatter Mrs says she'll have to board the catflap up and I will need to use the main door! Bloomin' cheek, that's 8ft wide and 12 high!
    Excellent selfie purrs

  3. Get better soon, Travis! We will continue to send lots of POTP and healing vibes!

  4. You all look so white, did you have to have a bath again?

  5. Looking great ladies!!! We are getting pawpared fur zombie season too. Lots of barking at stuffs (shadows) here has been going on ;) We pawray brofur Travis gets lots better soon!!

    Matt & Matilda

  6. You girls are all looking good today. We are keeping our paws crossed for Travis and hope he is back to normal soon.

  7. Looking good ladies and hope some weight is in the future

  8. We hope Travis gets better soon so you can bark at him, too. There are so many thingys to bark at! You're doing a good job.

  9. You are all looking so lovely in your Sunday Selfies. Hope you had a great weekend and that the weather has been getting better for you all. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful day.
    World of Animals

  10. Travis, load up on pasta. Just don't overdo it so we have to call you "Fat Cat".

  11. You're all looking so cute today in your Selfies💗Pawkisses for a Happy Week ahead🐾😽💞

  12. The 3 of you should be taking care of Travis.

  13. Its great that your brofur Travis is doing better.

    And you three sure look wonderful!


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!