Monday, September 2, 2019

Happy Labor Day!

Happy Labor Day!

We had a fun day today - an early morning walk (8 AM are early for us, BOL), time to play in da backyard, a bike ride for me.

And we deserve it! After all, we work hard at our job as social media stars!

Not to mention our work as guard dogs, alarm clocks, home security, pest control, taste testers, therapists, cuddlers, personal trainers, entertainers, fashion models, well, you name it!

Hard working dogs like us deserve a day to relax!


  1. You sure do. That's a huge list on your job descriptions!

  2. You are always relaxing, modelling clothes.

  3. absolutely have a happy lazy labor day!

  4. Wow, it is amazing there are any jobs left to go round in Texas - you girls would appear to have a monopoly!

  5. We all work like dogs and deserve a nice day off, right?

  6. You girls look like you are ready for a picnic in those cute dresses.

  7. We doggies sure have a lot of jobs and responsibilities. Yesterday we all took the day off and just relaxed.

  8. Whew...after all that hard work we sure hope you got cheezie burgers AND hot dogs!!

    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  9. We had to bark at deer and birds yesterday. Not a day off!


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!