So something VERY weird happened this week!
My momma left me for DAYS!
And so did Brinley's!
And they took Finley wif em! And not us!!
Yup, that's right you lil whippersnappers. Hey everyone, it's Finley here, and unlike The Fluffy and Clueless (I think Kinley might have fluff where her brain should be), I know what is going on. I always know what's going on, it's part of my job as Sheriff Finley.
Well, I have been asking the mommas for a road trip for a long time. And I guess they finally listened and decided to give me a road trip for my 15th birthday. Well, ok, it was a couple days late, but I know it was a trip for my birthday.
I'm not sure why they decided I should go to Lubbock of all places, but they did. And I'm not sure why they kept talking about apartments and houses when the road trip was all about me. But I made sure to get them to focus on me by yipping as high-pitched as I could while I was sitting in the backseat for no apparent reason. It really helped them focus on ME, especially when it was raining.
Ok, I'll let you in on a secret. But it's only because I trust you. There was a major security problem at the hotel in Lubbock and the hotel people specifically requested the smartest, most ferocious westie in Texas to come check it out and intimidate everyone by staying there for a few days and marking territory. So it was really a business trip, but we can't be letting just anyone know that. It's just all in a day's work for me.
Uhhh, me and Brinley aren't really buying Finley's story.
Momma said it had to do wif finding an apartment and that me and her and Travis are gonna be moving. And that I'm gonna hafta be a big brave girl. WHAT??