Saturday, February 26, 2022

Love to Ukraine


So me and momma has been watchin da news. And I are MAD. I has been growling at dat Putin guy and all his tanks (and I are not even a "steady viewer" of da TV like my BFF Brinley).

Maybe it are cuz my daddy are Polish. Maybe it are cuz I are a westie and us terrierists are always lookin to fight a bully. But what are goin on has me upset pals.

So I are sending big westie kisses to Ukraine. Y'all deserve to be safe in your homes and not have your country invaded. And if I could, I would bit Putin right in his butt for ya!!

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Weird Big Dogs

Hey pals, well as ya can see, I survived da grooming ordeal yesterday. And there wuz SO much fur that came off and I are still dis fluffy. It duz feel good to be a lil lighter though. Today I went on my walk in da park - well, there some really weird big dogs there. And I mean WEIRD - I are used to big dogs (even if I don't like da ones dat run too close to me much) but there were HUGE. And one of em even had a human riding it!! OMD!!! 

Well, I didn't mind em cuz at least dey wasn't running at me while dere human tossed a chuck-it. But still, VERY weird.

Friday, February 18, 2022

It's a Ruff Life


Hi pals! Well, I had to get GROOMED today. These pics are from before da grooming torture though, so I are still a wooly bear.

Before momma decided to torture me, I did get to wear da udder side of my new pupper dress.

There's more westies on dis side too!

Here are a closeup. You'll hafta check back tomorrow to see my new haircut. It only took TWO hours!!

Thursday, February 17, 2022

A New Dress

Hi pals! Well, I got to model a new dress of mine today.

It are pup-themed! Ya can't go wrong wif dat.

Speshully when dere are westie pups involved!

Here are a closeup! 

Monday, February 14, 2022

Happy Valentine's Day!


Happy Valentine's Day pals! I got a walk in MY park once momma got home from work and I also got a new toy. Now to go see what dinnertime holds . . . Hope you had a pawsome day!!

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Super Sunday Selfie


Arooo pals! It are almost time for da Super Bowl, which means it are almost time to start beggin snacks. Here's a pro tip - wait till dere are an exciting play dat has da humans yelling and jumping and stuff and then sneak in there and grab some treats and take off! Or, if your human are not gettin dat excited, ya is just gonna hafta turn on da cute like me. See, I are all dressed up for Galentine's Day and looking my cutest - hopefully dat'll get me some treats. 

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Weekends are for Snuggles


Hi pals!!

Well, me and momma has been watching da Olympics. Ok, I has mostly been napping during it. But some of dat snow stuff looks like fun. Momma says she likes it better on da TV, BOL!

So I'm hoping for some SUPER snacks tomorrow - hope momma has somefin good planned!! I'm planning on trading snuggles for snacks.

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Sunday Selfie


Hey pals! Well, it's Sunday, so it are selfie time. I got another walk in MY park today. Some rude schnauzer thought it wuz his park - uhhh, no. It are mine. And I told him ALL about it. Momma says dat people who are using a cane and have crazy butt dogs shouldn't be using flexi-leashes, but at least he wuz on a leash unlike all da chuck-it people and their dogs. Le sigh. It are a lot of work patrollin round here since there's all these criminal rascals who don't follow da rules!!

Saturday, February 5, 2022



Da snow dat are. Not me, I are not melting. Ok, I duz kinda melt into my momma when I wants a cuddle, which are always. But I wuz barkin bout my snow. It mostly left and left some MUD in my park. Which I thought wuz VERY fun to bounce through.

Da dreaded B-A-F-F afterwards? Not so much fun, but I guess it are worth it to get to sleep in da big bed wif momma.

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Snow Dog!


We HAS snow!

I repeat, we HAS snow! So much snow and da streets are frozen dat momma had a snow day and didn't hafta teach today!

Yesterday, she taught Con Law via Zoom since it had started snowing. And I kept barking my opinion and got to make a guest appearance - her students said I wuz cute, so at least their eyes are workin out here in Lubbock.

Yesterday I got a walk in da snow, but today da windchill never got outta da negative temps, so me and momma stayed snuggly and warm inside.

Well, except for when I went out to do my bizness and I barked my butt in da snow bank. Just call me Nanook of da North West.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Happy Chinese New Year!

Happy Chinese New Year! I've got my Chinese girl dress on to celebrate.

It are da year of da tiger and Travis will NOT shut up about it. UGH. Lemme know when it are da year of da DOG again.