Monday, September 26, 2022

Ready for Some Football


Are ya ready for some football? Ok, I are ready for a nap da way dis game are going. YAWN. At least there hasn't been any commershuls wif GOATS. Momma and me discovered I are NOT a fan of Goats after she watched Thor: Love and Thunder dis weekend. Den we kept seeing all dese commershuls wif goats and it wuz just making me go nuts - I usually don't pay a lot of attenshun to da TV, but I did not like the sound of goats screaming. I'm thinking goats make better cabrito than they do vocalists.

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Happy Birthday Ally!

Happy birthday Aunt Ally! I are having to give ya long distance westie kisses for your birthday this year.

Momma had work stuff to do yesterday (she usually has Fridays off this semester), so we couldn't drive back to Plano this weekend. But I did get to see Aunt Ally on momma's phone.

And I are planning on giving her lotsa westie kisses when I see her again.

Monday, September 19, 2022

Bark Like a Pirate Day

Ahoy ye scurvy dogs! It be Bark Like a Pirate Day and I be Commodore Kinley the Crustaceous (take dat one Travis, commodores rank above captains) and I be planning to pillage and plunder da USS Pantry! Just think of da booty we'll find! Arooo, I mean, arggggh! Yo ho ho and looks, I found some rum in there too . . . I reckon Commodore Kinley be feeling sleepy now. 

Friday, September 16, 2022

Flower Friday

Hi pals! Well, momma and me made it to da weekend! I are so happy dat she are gonna be home wif ME!

Yeah, yeah, I know da work stuff pays for da dog biscuits, but I are not really a fan of her leaving. Well, I are gonna show ya some flowers from back in Plano now.

Have a pawsome weekend pals!

Monday, September 12, 2022

Fit for a Princess

Hey pals. Momma made me dis Sleeping Beauty dress before da Queen of England went to go join so many of her corgis who have passed, but it does seem kinda appropriate to be wearing a royalty-themed dress in her honor. After all, any one who likes dogs as much as she did has gotta be pretty good, right?

Well, momma says dis dress are fit for a princess. Do y'all remember this from da Sleeping Beauty movie?

Well, this are obviously da blue side. Last week I showed ya da pink side wif da fairies.

Here's a close up wif princess buttons.

Yeah, I guess it are fit for a westie princess.

Speaking of westie princesses, momma says today wuz Whitley's birthday. She wuz our original westie princess. I never gotta meet her, but she musta been a pretty good pup since momma wanted another westie. Good thing for me, right??

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Caturday Art


Well, today wuz better. No being locked up while momma blah blahed about law stuffs and NO getting a baff. Instead, I got a bike ride (AND my walk) and I got to watch da footballs wif momma. 

Here are momma's art for today. Ok, it are not a westie, but it are a pup. I GUESS I'll let a basset pass. BOL.

Friday, September 9, 2022

Flower Friday

Hi pals! I are so happy it are da weekend! Now momma can spend all day wif me! Last nite she wuz part of a panel discussion wif some cuckoo birds - let's just say she has never heard anyone use Hitler and Care Bears in da same sentence before! And today she had her first screening interview of da year. I told her she shoulda just held me up and said "look at dis cutie, I need money for her food so hire me" but yeah, instead I just got closed in da bedroom while she blah blahed about her papers and other stuff. She's got some more interviews set up - she's hoping we'll know where we are gonna be by November or December.

I really don't care where I are as long as I are wif my momma. My grandma sent my momma some pictures of da Plano flowers from da last week . . . 

Have a pawsome weekend pals!

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Pretty in Pink!


Hi pals! Well, I has been enjoying my morning walks wif momma. I just wish she didn't hafta go to work after. But she says work pays for my food and I luvs food, so it are a conunodrum. I wonder what drums has to do wif it. I know Travis Barker are a pretty famous drummer, but our Travis our a Meower and I am a Barker and  . . . what wuz I barking about??

Well, I guess now I are gonna bark about my new dress.

It are pink wif lil fairies all over it.

I guess that makes me a Fairy Dogmother, BOL!


Monday, September 5, 2022

Happy Labor Day!


Happy Labor Day! Well, a westie's work are never done, so I did not take da day off unlike a certain MOMMA who did. Ok, she duzn't teach on Mondays dis semester anyways, so it wuz not dat speshul for her. But anyways, I did my job of being a furoshus terrierfying guard dog and barking EVERYONE and tellin em what for. Sometimes even WHAT SEVEN. Yeah, ya heard me, BARK BARK AROOO! Now, where's my Labor Day treats momma??