Sunday, June 29, 2014

Black and White Sunday

Hey pals, da ya see dat longing look in my eyes?  Dat were ham I were longin for, and I got some!  I had a good Sunday - went on Zombie PAtrol™ and barked da nayborhood, got some ham, and I played pool ball.

My BFF Finley needs a lil POTP - her foot are hurtin.  See, she has dis lil skin tag or somefin on her foot and today it were bleedin.  We don't know if she chewed it or what, but now her foot are all bandaged up.  Hope your foot feels better soon Finley!


  1. look at you have a ball in the pool with a ball !

  2. I want Finley to get better quickly. I know about foot problems.

  3. Wow! You're so lucky to have such a great pool!

  4. Looks like you had a pretty good Sunday. And you gots to eat ham! nom, nom, nom. I got real bacon today. Had I known Finley wasn't up to paw, I would have shared it with her. Sending her some POTP.

    Aroo to you,

    1. Uh, I are not feelin too good either ***wink***, so make sure to send me some of dat bacon too. BOL!

  5. Crikey Whitley ..... poor Finley ..... I hope her little foot gets better real soon. Sore feet are no fun at all. Big cuddles heading Finley's way from all of us down here in Australia.

  6. Looks like you had a pawfect day! We'll cross our paws that your furiend heals easily!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

    1. Yeah, luckily her blood always clots up real good. I are bit of a bleeder - if momma messes up and trims a nail a lil too close or somefin, I are bleedin for forever!

  7. Look at you playing pool ball. You are so good at it!!
    Enjoy my friend


  8. You look like you're staying cool and having so much fun, Whitley! We're sending Finley lots of AireZen and healing vibes!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  9. Aww Whitley I am so glad you got some pool ball and barkings in :) and we send some POTP from Down Under for poor Finley :( ouchie big kissies for the boo boo hugs and loves Fozziemum

  10. I wish I had a ball what's a big as me :o) I will send Finley a big hug, of course!

  11. Oh boy! Your very own pool pawrty
    Lily & Edward

  12. You are a pup with it all, BOL!
    Glad you had so much fun.

    I hope Finley gets all healed up soon, that's a bummer to have a sore paw. Sheesh ya gotta have good ones!


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!