Friday, October 9, 2020

Flower Friday

Hi pals! Well, it's been a fun couple days for us. I got bike rides everyday this week and we got a lotta outside time in da backyard! 

And we got a walk tonite!

We won't talk about dat dreaded weekly BAFF yesterday. 

Anyways, we is hard at work on making shure da mommas don't go too crazy from 2020. It are a lotta work. 

I think we deserve a raise. 2 cookies per photoshoot!

It's been a while since we did a Flower Friday post, but we still have flowers blooming, so here they are.

Have a pawsome weekend!


  1. Good to see you have pretty flowers in bloom, and that you're doing such great work helping your humans get through 2020. I think it should be payment per photo, not per photoshoot, BTW.
    Toodle pip!

  2. It sounds like you girls had a great week (except for those baffs). You still have such beautiful flowers. Ours are mostly done blooming.

    1. I guess dat's da benefit of living somewhere so hot.

  3. Your flowers are always so beautiful!

  4. 2020 has been a bummer. Hopefully in 2021 we can party like it was 1999.

  5. Lets hope that the next year will be a lot better in the long run.
    Thanks for showing us your beautiful blooms,and of course your pretty selves!! Bertie is right! You need to get paid for each click of the camera!

  6. Whenever you get a bath you need to put that memory in a box and let it fly away so you never think of that terrible incident again.

    1. I keep trying to buck my way out, but it duzn't work.

  7. You sure have some amazing flowers! Most of our flowers are gone now.

  8. Those high biskits are sooooo pretty, but nothing compared to you girls(who def deserve at the very least, 2 cookies per shot!)


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!