Saturday, October 24, 2020

Travis are Back!


So first up, I are gonna start wif da good news. Travis are back home from da emergency vet. He are still kinda stoned from da drugs, but he are back home where he belongs.

He has a speshul food he's gotta eat and he can't sneak any kibbles anymores. And he are gonna get all his food made into soup to make shure he gets plenty of waters.

We are happy he's home, we missed him.

Finley has kinda always thought it wuz her job to look after da kitties and she was sticking her nose right at his tummy on Thursday. We think she knew somefin wuz wrong.

It wuzn't just a quiet couple days worrying bout Travis though. Momma needed somefin to keep her mind off of it.

Ok, I guess I can see now.

Finley, ya might be next!


  1. We're so glad to hear Travis is home again. Our paws are crossed that he stays well. You all look great today and it is nice to see your eyes again.

  2. Glad to hear your kitty cat brother is doing better!

  3. Finley you are such a good alarm pup!! Glad you knew something was amiss.

    Glad that Travis is home again, and hopefully he will not suffer this trouble anymore.

    Hey, its nice to see you eyes again, pups!! And um...Finley don't try to bite anyone when they try to make your eye curtains get out of your way...


    1. We really think she coulda been a therapy dog or somefin if her allergies weren't so terrible - she's very sensitive to when somefin's wrong.

      As for not biting, well, we aren't holding our breaths.

  4. Blockage can be so scary, I'm so glad Travis is back home and recovering. Hugs to all.

  5. Oh noes! I missed the whole thing! Oh poor Travis! I am glads he is home nows, and doin' betters. Sendin' lots and lots of POTP and healin' vibes and AireZens his way!
    Ruby ♥

  6. No wonder we haven't heard from you. Being stoned was 50 years ago bu still enjoyable. now.


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!