Monday, November 23, 2020

Music Monday and A New Dress!

Hey pals! Well, we are getting ready for a fun week here.

There's a birthday and Thanksgiving!

Both of which means tons of tasty food!

But first we wanted to show off da new dress my momma made.

Dey kinda has a fall-theme. Which are good since it definitely felt like fall today!

Here's a close up!

We were lookin cute on our walk today! 

Ok - it's also Music Monday and the theme this week is to make a playlist that spells out GRATEFUL. Ok, I are gonna try. I think I might have da turkey hunger part of Thanksgiving down a lil better than da grateful part.

G - Gimme More. More turkey that are.

R - Ready to Run. Run away wif dat turkey.

A - Addicted. Addicted to turkey.

T - T for Texas. T for turkey.

E - Enchanted. I was enchanted to meet turkey.

F - Family is family. Unless they don't share turkey. Then they are da enemy.

U - Unconditionally. I luv turkey unconditionally.

L - Light my fire. And cook my turkey in it.


  1. oooh we love your dress... and T for Texas is the perfect song to dance in your new fab outfit ;O)

  2. Your dress is very cute. Have a fun celebration week.

  3. Who doesn't like turkey? Woof! Woof! I love how you built your grateful song set around your love of turkey. I hope you get your share of those tasty nibblets on Thanksgiving Day. Thanks for joining the 4M crew on the dance floor, little furriend. Have a boogietastic week!

    1. Our turkey is gonna be on Friday - I hope I get some!

  4. Those dresses are so cute! We love your turkey themed play list too.

  5. Of course you are going to Hall County to make a Thursday visit to Turkey, Texas.

  6. With the orange and black, you can also wear them on October 31.

  7. That is a super dress ! Very festive !


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!