Sunday, November 22, 2020

Sunday Selfies


Today my big sisfur Finley are 14 and a half! To celebrate I made her a speshul dinner.

Ok, I ackshually just hung out in da kitchen while grandma made it. And I laid on da ground while she ate it. But I wuz thinking bout dat dinner da whole time it wuz cooking and while she wuz eatin it and it are da thought da counts right?

And da Cowboys even managed to win for Finley's 14 and halfth birthday. Now that's worthy of a good selfie, right??


  1. Please tell Finley "Happy Fourteeen and a Half Birthday" from Gail and me.
    What a girl!
    Toodle pip!

  2. How nice to have a special dinner for Finley! We are not happy about the Cowboys, but our Vikings have proved once again, they are too stupid to hold onto a win.

    1. BOL, we were just surprised the Cowboys managed one. And the NFC East is such a joke - every team has only 3 wins.

  3. Happy half birthday Finley! You girls all look great today.

  4. Yes, that the Cowboys won was a miracle. There are some teams that could lose on their bye week-looking at you NY Midgets.

  5. Happy Birthday and a half Finley!! Have a good one :-)

  6. You were very good not to try to muscle in and get some food.

  7. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BURTHDAY and a half FINLEY!!! It sounds like your foods was FABulous!!! Wells, at least your team won ~ Ma's Niners are really suckin' the big one this season!
    Ruby ♥

    1. Well, the Cowboys are pretty bad too. But everyone in the NFC East is awful.


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