Saturday, November 21, 2020

Westie Weekend Fun!

Hi pals!


Well, we has been having a pretty good time. Da weather here has been fantastic so we has been getting lotsa walks and bike rides.

Finley are really enjoying da warmer fall too - she does not like da cold too much now that she are older.

In fact, it has been so nice dat Brinley even had to sing about it dis morning!

I are practicing my beggin face so I can get lotsa turkey next Thursday Friday.

Don't ya think us westies should get our own turkey?


  1. You have to watch the turkey eating. Too much and you get sick. It happend to us. The vet saif that the day after T'giving is pretty busy.

    1. Yeah, we just get a lil of the white meat (wif no skin, no gravy, etc).

  2. It sounds like you had a great week. We had some warm weather here too but today we're getting snow!

  3. It seems like you had a great time this weekend. We would like to sing about it too.


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!