Sunday, April 4, 2021

Happy Easter!!


Happy Easter pals!!

Today are also our kitty brofur Bowie's second birthday. Happy birthday Bowie!

We all got a few bites of ham this afternoon (da humans had eggs bennydict for brunch). YUM!

Da Easter bunny paid us a visit too.

Don't worry, we didn't chase dis baby bun. Mostly becuz we weren't outside when da mommas saw him, BOL.

We got a super long walk today - it wuz lotsa fun and we got some good sniffin in. 

Happy Easter!


  1. Happy Easter. You looks smashing in your duds. I am glad the bunny came for you.

  2. Don't worry, I'm still your friend-just a friend with computer problems.

  3. We had a bunny in our yard, too...we think he was scouting out the yard for the basket delivery service!!

    Yours is furry cute...looks scared though...glad you didn't chase it...we chased ours, bt he was bigger...

    Happy Easter!!

    Happy Birthday, Bowie!

  4. Happy Birthday Bowie and Happy Easter you pups! Have a good weekend.

  5. Happy Birthday Bowie.
    Ham is so much better than dog-toxic Easter eggs.
    Toodle pip!

  6. happy easter and a happy birthday to Bowie.. how great to be the birthday child on easter... double gifts?

  7. Happy Easter and Happy Birthday Bowie! It sounds like you all had a perfect day.

  8. Happy Easter friends and happy barkday Bowie! You saw a real bunny from window? That's very nice!!


  9. We can't believe you had a rabbit and were not outside to chase it! Bummer! Happy birthday to Bowie, a couple days late.

    1. Well, it's ok since we get to chase lots of em on walks. We're always on leashes though, so we never get to catch any.


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!