Sunday, April 18, 2021

Sunday Selfies

Hi pals! We thought we'd start things out wif a double selfie.


We had a pretty good weekend - we got to go on walks and bark everyone!

But today my momma accidently put me and Brinley in da same crate. See, we has two crates out in da living room since we like to sleep in em sometimes - they're like our lil dens. Well, momma saw me go in one and went ahead and closed me in so I wouldn't get in any trubbull (like putting da cat in my mouf trubbull) while she went to da store. Well, apparently, Brinley wuz already sleeping in dat crate when I went in and momma didn't know. So like 30 minutes later, she gets a call from Aunt Ally sayin we wuz grumbling at each other. Apparently, Brinley didn't like being stuck in dere wif me.  

Whaddya mean dat are totally understandable Finley???

Well, I didn't mind da up close and pawsonal time wif my BFF, but I think she just wanted out so she could bark da horse on TV. 

Anyways, momma are gonna hafta be more careful when she closes up da crates I guess.

Whaddya mean I shoulda just stayed locked up Finley??


  1. oooh wow... it wouldn't work here neither with two in a crate... the mama is happy that we are able now to share da backseat of a car without wild growling ...

    1. We like being together, but it wuz just a lil too much togetherness!

  2. We know dogs who share crates and some of us could share for a little bit, but we really prefer to have our own too.

    1. Yeah, we will sit together a lot, but we need to have out own space too.

  3. You all are so cute in your selfies. We don't think we'd like to be stuck in a crate together either. Even though we like each other that's a little too close.

    1. Yeah, it's good to be able to not be write on top of each other, BOL!

  4. Mommy once put Blake in her crate unaware that Gizmo the kitty was there. Luckily both survived. There was so litigation afterwards.

  5. Now that would have interesting consequences here for sure!!

    Funny things happen when our peeps don't pay attention, LOL!

  6. None of our doggies over the years were really too territorial about where they slept, but we didn't have crates. They were happy to snuggle up together.

    (Flossie says hello and sends hugs and kisses to you ladies.)

    1. We snuggle some too, but having an escape route is necessary.

  7. We love the double selfie of you two. We hope your mom brought back some goodies and wasn't too long. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
    World of Animals South Philadelphia


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!