Sunday, April 11, 2021

Sunday Selfies

 Hi pals! It's Sunday so it's selfie time!

As ya can tell, we had fun today. We got to spend hours out back on Duck Patrol (momma duck wuz not back although my mom had to chase a pair outta da pool dis morning) and we got a walk tonite.

Oh yeah, and some tasty dinner! YUM!


  1. Oh,dear...(or should it be oh, duck??), the duck social media has approved your pool!! BOL!

  2. oh duck patrol? you can catch them...with duc(k)t tpe...

  3. It's duck season. They are all over the place here too.

  4. Chasing ducks sounds like fun and you girls look great too.


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!