Monday, November 28, 2022

On the Road Again


Hey pals. Well, I had a fun few days wif my BFF Brinley.

Getting to lick da turkey platter wuz definitely a highlight of da trip, but we had fun da rest of da weekend too.

In between all da rains, we got to go on a couple of walks and tell da nayborhood dat we are da BOSSES.

Just ask us!

Saturday wuz my momma's birthday. And dere wuz bacon and all kindsa yumminess (even if momma did pick a CHOCOLATE cake, which means I didn't get any).

I gave her lotsa birthday kisses.

Anyways, me and Brinley slept in my momma's bed wif her every night.

It wuz so nice to get to spend some time wif my BFF.

But today, it wuz back in da car so I could go back to Lubbock wif my momma for a few days.

Good thing I are a good traveller!

Keep dat bed warm Brinley,  I'll be back in Plano before ya know it!

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Yappy Thanksgiving!


Happy yappy Thanksgiving!

Well, we had a rainy Thanksgiving.

But it wuz a tasty one!

Just look at dat BURD - yummmm!

Wif me and Brinley around, there is no need to prewash da dishes, BOL BOL! Yappy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 21, 2022

My Custom Fountain


Hey pals! Well, when we wuz back in Plano last week, grandma gave me and Travis a speshul present.

Our very own custom Thirsty Cat fountain! And look, we are on it!

Brinley and Bowie has a Thirsty Cat fountain and they love it. And me and Travis had also liked it when we visited. We love our custom fountain - and da way da water burbles up!

As ya can tell, I approve!

Friday, November 18, 2022

It's Cold Out There!


Hey pals! Well, it has gotten COLD here.

I are LOVING it! I got to go on a walk dis afternoon and it wuz a nice brisk 33 degrees. But wif da west Texas winds (which luckily were NOT filled wif dirt for once), it felt like it was about 20.

My momma are not nearly as big a fan of winter as me. Ok, she HATES it. But I had fun.

I did not have fun when I got groomed dis afternoon. All of these pics are PRE-grooming and I thought I looked just fine. Ok, I can see a lil easier now, but really, all dat grooming stuff wuz so unnecessary. I mean, it are COLD out there. I need ALL of my furs. Momma said I do not em making dreadlocks, so I gotta get groomed. Sometimes she are NO fun.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

My New Dress


I had da most fun wif my BFF dis weekend.

Me and her even got matching new dresses.

I already showed ya one side, today I are gonna show ya da side wif da flowers.

Me and Brinley both modeled in exchange for some cookies.

Here's a close up.

It are tuff being dis cute.

Now, where are those cookies??

Monday, November 14, 2022

Grandma's Birthday

Hey pals. Well, I are back in Lubbock after a 5 and a half hour drive (at least 2 hours of which were in pouring rain). Momma says it are good I are such a good co-pilot, since I will be getting a LOT of co-pilot experience in da next month or so - we are gonna go back to Plano next week, then back to Lubbock for a few days for momma to finish her classes, then back to Plano. And then momma has to pick up her exams for her Civil Rights class - good thing I'm a good traveller!

Well, I had a lotta fun wif my BFF, but yesterday wuz da real reason we went back dis weekend.

It wuz my grandma's (Brinley's momma's) birthday! And she wanted to spend it wif her favorite (ok, ONLY) granddog. BOL.

She had a good birthday - lotsa presents, tasty foods, and I gave her lotsa birthday kisses!

Dis are da cake my momma made. Da yellow submarine are cute and all, but maybe next year momma will try for a pair of westies!

Saturday, November 12, 2022



Well pals, I wuz getting really worried on Wednesday night. See, momma wuz PACKING. But she wuz not packin me into da car. I got so worried she wuz gonna forget me. Den she disappeared on Thursday morning wifout ME and Travis. OMD! But she came back in about an hour and a half and remembered to pack us. She says she had to go to WORK and get gas for da car, but I don't know - did she start headin down da highway and den remember she had left her BFF behind??

Well, regardless, she drove us all back to Plano.

Where I got to be reunited wif my BFF!

We has been havin so much fun. Doin important stuff like nayborhood Zombie Patrols and barkin tigers on TV.

We also got to model our new dresses.

It's got kinda of a retro 30s style print.

Complete wif LWDs!

At least we get paid in cookies for modeling.

Ok, so about da tiger thing. Last night, grandma turned to a Nat Geo documentary about tigers. I think she did it for Travis, he seemed really into it. But then they started talking bout how dis tiger wuz killing dogs that had been chained outside in da snow in Russia and me and Brinley heard da dogs barkin and we went nutso.

No way are we gonna let any tigers eat us!

So don't get any ideas Travis or Bowie! BOL!