Sunday, October 29, 2023

Hangin with Brinley

Hi pals!

My BFF came to come visit me.

We had so much fun together!

Momma gave her a new Howloween dress to match mine.

So of course we modeled em.

Double da cute!

And we got double cookies too!

Here's a close up of da ghosty buttons.

I got to show Brinley my nature trail.

Look, she spotted a deer!

We had a lot of fun exploring and saw a ton of deer!

Yesterday, we hung out and watched football.

And all of our teams won!


Grandma made me some beds for the balconies so now I can guard in comfort!

It are so much fun to have someone to go on patrols wif.

And we had a lotta fun playing and bouncing wif each other.

I really luv getting to hang wif Brinley!


  1. It's good to see you two girls! Glad you had some good times and did some fashion modeling too!

  2. So glad you were able to be twinning with your BFF and spotting deer! Lee and Phod

  3. How great that your BFF and her momma came to visit you. It sounds like you two had lots of fun together.

  4. You two look almost like twins especially in those gorgeous dresses!!!

  5. That sure was a ton of fun! Did you bark the deer?? Around here they'll soon be easily spooked as hunting season will start. Then one really has to beware when driving around here...

    Those are fun dresses...doubly so!

    1. Well, these deer are inside the city limits so they're safe from hunters - but we did see one getting pretty close to the road. :/

  6. What a fine visit you had with Brinley. Did either of you try to chase the deer? I would have.

  7. We are so happy you two had such a wonderful time.
    Your dresses are so cute! Happy Howloween!


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!