Sunday, October 15, 2023

Sunday Selfie

Hi pals! For today's selfie, I dressed up in my baseball dress for da all Texas ALCS - too bad da Astros aren't in da National League anymore, otherwise we might have had an all Texas World Series . . . Anyways, I got to go on a fun walk and saw some more deer. Momma had to go to da AT&T store and get a new phone - she likes it, but she didn't like da hours it took outta her Sunday. I think it has more storage - good, more room for photos of ME!


  1. happy sunday and all the good luck for your team... maybe they are back next year?

  2. We hope your team wins...ours (Tigers- aka more like kittens) are grooming in the dugouts for next year,BOL!!

    I have to start from scratch with my repaired computer...arghhhh!

  3. What a cute selfie in the perfect dress for the series.

  4. Lookin so cute inn yore dress Kinley!!! Mee betss gettin a new fone wuud bee a bit of a hassel. Guud Luck to you Meowmy gettin used ot her fone an more space fore fotoss of you ISS pawsum Kinley!
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an **blows kissess** BellaSita Mum

    1. Luckily, she wuz able to get everything from her old phone transferred over.

  5. New phones do take a LOT of setting up but I like the more photos idea!


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