Sunday, October 8, 2023

Sunday Selfie

Hi pals! Well, I had another fun walk wif momma today. We just walked over in da nayborhood close to us, but I still had a good time. Momma wuz telling me we wuz walking past some of her old friend's houses (and dat dere parents still live there). I don't know about all that, but I know I had fun sniffin!


  1. Good sniffs are great no matter where you find them!

    Sometimes we can smell the deer sniffs and poops...BOL!! Petcretary almost smashed into a deer on her way home from work on Saturday night. Yikes! They might be beautiful creatures but they have NO sense when it comes to roads and vehicles.

    1. Yeah, they are not too bright about that, BOL. Since we are in the city, momma don't hafta really worry about that.

  2. we hope there were 87 good smells in the air and you sniffed them all...

  3. How fun that you are getting to explore so many new places on your walks. Maybe you will get to meet those family friends some day.

    1. If momma gets da nerve to ring their doorbell, BOL.

  4. Kinley I have a serious case of Kinley puppy love.
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. Lookin so fine there Kinley!!! Soundss liek you had a pawsum walkie!
    Have a guud week!
    **nose bopss** BellaDharma an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!