Saturday, October 7, 2023

Caturday Art

Hi pals! Well, I has been doing pretty good - I got to go walking on the nature trail nearby TWO days in a row. And we saw lotsa deer and even a flock of turkeys!!

Da turkeys wuz a lil harder to get a good picture of, but momma finally got one centered. Da only other time she's seen a wild turkey (other than at da likker store, BOL) wuz when she lived in Cambridge wif Whitley and one wuz just walkin down Mass Ave. I asked momma if maybe we could do Thanksgiving early like our Canadian pals, but since we are turkey-less, I are guessing dat are a no.

Oh well, ya can't get everything ya want I guess. Anyways - yesterday's walk wuz 2 hours! I like momma's idea of "work from home" BOL.

Today I hung out wif momma while she watched football. She also worked on a new Howloween dress for me. And speaking of Howloween . . .

Dis week's art are Howloween themed!


  1. We see lots of turkeys around here...year round.Come on over to our den, we can romp while petcretary makes some turkey dinner...and other yums for Canadian Thanksgiving on Monday..🦃🍠🍗🥧🍷

  2. You're so cute, Kinley. How cool that you saw so much wildlife on your walk. We have deer and turkey on our property here, too.

  3. What purrty deer you saw on your walk, Kinley!

  4. I have never seen a turkey on Mass Ave. Beacon Hill is another matter.


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!