Monday, March 9, 2020

A Case of Corona on Music Monday

Oh no, I've got a case of Corona! Ok, it's ackshually a bottle of Growlona squeaky toy. Momma prefurs Negro Modelo for her Mexican beer.

We've got our furst case of community spread Coronavirus here in Collin county and people are freaking out. Momma thinks it's an overreaction, of course she had swine flu and didn't miss a day of law school, BOL.

So anyways, wif dat in mind, here's some Coronavirus-inspired tunes. BOL.

I guess we can keep dancing, as long as we don't touch each other, BOL BOL!


Weird Al should really make a parody calling My Corona. Ya know, ya make my fever run . . .

Speakin of fevers . . .

Sounds like the CDC's advice.

This is the End. BOL!

It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.


  1. We like your corona inspired music selections. Stay safe girls.

  2. Oh my gosh, talk about rockin' the house. Got some great tunes here lady! Woo Hoo Thanks for droppin' buy & then boogieing with us. Hope you had a great time.

  3. Yuppers, here in the Bay Area, we just got a whole Cruise ship full of peeps with it! BOL! Seriously, we have had it here for at least a week and peeps are freakin' the hell out! There isn't a bottle of Purell to be found! Luckily, Ma has been doin' this stuff (since Gpa had that sepsis infection) so she has lots of the stuffs! Also, no soup, rice, pasta, tortillas (?), toilet paper, wipes, baby wipes, oh the list goes on! kerazy! Anyhu, I likes your corona betters....
    Ruby ♥

    1. No Purell (or any hand sanitizer) here. Brinley's daddy wanted some - her momma had to MAKE it for him!

  4. Gads...we just got word at my work, that if we travel we have to report where, etc,and when we get back more of the same...and they have put restrictions on visitors,and special family gatherings, etc. Also no outings or other group activities either...that seems so sad for our residents, who will suffer more with that maybe even than the virus illness...though of course no one would wish that on them...sigh....Last week in the stores the shelves looked normal...but who knows what I will find there tomorrow.

    1. Yikes, we know it's bad for seniors, but that's tuff.

  5. We have a couple of cases here in CT and the peeps on the news are telling everybuddy not to freak out. Our mom will spend more time at home with us and that's a good thing, right.

    1. It seems like they're encouraging the freak out here.

  6. Yup! It's the end of the world (again!) The news media is blowing this corona stuff way out of proportion!

  7. People are always afraid of the unknown. This virus has thousands sick other countries, so I'm sure this is what's got folks worked up. The best thing is to be proactive, do what you can to keep yourself well - avoid those who are obviously sick, frequent hand washings, and if someone sneezes get the heck out of Dodge. No need to walk through billions of germs! Anywho, very cool theme. So glad someone can find something good about the Corona virus. :) Thanks for hitting the 4M dance floor, little furriends. Take care and be well!! Incidentally, Tennessee now has four cases of the virus.

    1. Yeah, we've got new cases here in Dallas. Momma tends to try to avoid sick people anyways.

  8. We love your Corona music (especially the Doors - takes Gail back etc...), even if we're a bit late for Monday!

  9. We find the entire virus thing to be ridiculous. We prefer your Corona!

    1. So does my momma. If you're in a high-risk group (or someone in your home is) we understand being concerned. But most people need to get a grip.

  10. Your corona toy looks like so much fun to play with. We hope this all goes away soon. We hope you are having a wonderful day so far. Thanks for sharing.
    World of Animals

  11. There is n o hand sanitizer on the shelves here either...sigh...I do have lots of 70% alcohol though. Do you have the recipe you used to make your own?? I would appreciate it, Thanks!

    1. Yeah - it's pretty much 20-25% aloe vera gel, 75-80% rubbing alcohol (91 or 99%). It has to be the high percentage alcohol kind since they whole thing needs to be at least 60% alcohol to be effective. You can also add a few drops of essential oil to make it smell nicer.


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!