Monday, March 16, 2020

Music Monday

So, uhh, da news. WOW. Momma has all kindsa thoughts rants. About social distancing, people getting sick, people dying, hoarding, the economy tanking, quarantines, stores closing, people losing jobs, people giving away their rights, but those are not my thoughts. I got my food today, lotsa pets, and a walk since it finally stopped raining. I'm a happy pup. 

The mommas are not. It's scary times out there pups. So let's just enjoy some music. This week the theme are St. Patrick's Day - so Irish bands/songs and Celtic music. 

My momma (Kimberley Kathleen) always celebrates St. Patrick's Day. We're Scottish pups, but tomorrow everyone are Irish! So uhhh, dance a jig and chase a leprechaun. Or somefin. Here ya go . . . 

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!


  1. happy st. paddys day to you all... and maybe the luck of the irish can help us this times

  2. Happy St. Patrick's Day, girls!

  3. Happy St Patrick's Day! We would be happy if people would quit hoarding the food as that scares us the most of all.

    1. People are nuts. Momma went grocery shopping Tuesday. One store wuz completely out of meat, eggs, bread, produce, rice . . .

  4. I told someone "Erin go Bragh" and got "Go, just GO" back.

    1. Maybe she preferred Erin to go braless instead.

  5. Happy St Patrick's Day.
    Love the music. Especially the Pogues!

  6. Happy St. Patrick's Day! We love your choice of music.

  7. Thank you for getting our toes tapping and our hips swaying.

  8. Its good that music can help us get our minds in a better groove than all the scary stuff happening out in the world around us...

    Do some silly things, you pups, to make your peeps giggle a lot, cause they need it!

  9. There's nothing like mewsic to soothe the soul while the world is coming apart at the seams. It's a good thing to be a pup without such worries we humans are absorbed by. We really shouldn't let things out of our control bug us so but we do. Your job is a huge one to keep your humans calm and I'd say you're doing a good job since there's no rantings going on here. It's great having y'all on the dance floor this week with your fabulous Irish mewsicians making us all feel a little more Irish than we are. ;) Stay health and have a boogietastic week, my furriends!

  10. It is a good thing your Mom has you cuties to keep her happy! Hope you had a wonderful St. Patrick's Day! Love that Bono!

    1. Well, as good as we could. We did get a walk in.

  11. I know dogs are quite aware that something is going on with their humans. Be assured we need you more than ever. We need the luck of the Irish. Nice hearing the Chieftains; loving the violin more than ever with each passing day.

    1. Yeah, speshully my momma. She are going crazy - she's not meant for isolation.


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!