Sunday, March 29, 2020

Sunday Selfies

Happy Sunday pals! It wuz a good one - I got a bike ride, a walk, and BACON!

And no more grooming!!!

We're helping the peeps socially distance by barking at everyone we see walkin down da street. Prevent the spread, bark your neighbors!


  1. We love that you are keeping your humans safe, Kinley. And your bandanna sure compliments your supreme beauty!

  2. that is very nice to tell da people what they have to do... can you bark at some dofusses here please who have to play soccer the whole day?

  3. Sounds like the perfect day to us!

  4. It's good to see you girls are all doing well and doing your part to keep people away from your family.

  5. We've kept up the barkin' too!! Don't think you've got much left to groom, have you?

  6. Sounds like the Trifecta of Sundays!!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  7. Wow! That was a very good day indeed!

  8. Tell your mum I have some awesome fat quarters ready to send her way when the world settled down. OK?

  9. You dogs are so clever. We don't know how you can take a selfie when you show both your paws in the picture.

  10. Good advice you pups! We do that too, and we even bark all the trucks to keep them away...and you know what? It works they just keep on going and do not stop here...

    1. I LUV barking trucks and feel so proud when I chase them off.

  11. If you don't take a bath, you won't have to worry about the social distancing.

  12. We love these beautiful selfies of you all. It sounds like you are all doing your job of barking and keeping anyone that may come near. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
    World of Animals

  13. That must have been a wonderful day and lots of allowed bark time...I have to teach myself how to bark, that might impurressed my introoders...MOL😸Clean Pawkisses for a Happy Wednesday. Stay Safe Healthy and Yourselfie🙏🐾😽💞

    1. Momma says that her sister had a kitty who actually tried to bark - he wuz a black and white guy. ;)


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!