Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Super Tuneful Tuesday

Hey pals, it's Super Tuesday!

Our mommas went and voted. We hope your humans did too if it wuz votin day for y'all!


After all, us pups can't vote. For some REASON.

Anyways, my momma voted for her former professor since she knew HER. But whoever your human supports, it are important to vote since if ya don't, ya can't complain!! 

Ok, now we say it's time to add some STEAK to make the Tuesday truly SUPER.

Ok, da steak might be a dream (much like my momma's vote, SIGH), but we do have some music for ya! We missed the Mewsic Moves Me post yesterday since it wuz Texas Independence Day, so we're making a Tuneful Tuesday post today. The theme this week, picked by Athena are songs wif names in da title. I looked ALL over for a Kinley song, but no such luck. Oh well, here's some songs anyways - even if they aren't named after me.

Now, uhhhh, about that steak???


  1. You gals are so cute in your patriotic voting outfits. We aren't part of super Tuesday so our mom got to stay home.

  2. You missed this one for Athena


  3. Ma voted by mail, and hers didn't count eithers, sigh. Oh wells, it's impawtent to vote anyhu, cause every bark needs to be heard!
    Nows, did I hear somethings abouts STEAK?????
    Ruby ♥

  4. No voting here till next week...hope that steak came your way, well, at least a good bite of it!

    1. No such luck. Da mommas had seafood pasta instead.

  5. I hope you got some steak yesterday. I was lucky in that I got a few bites of salmon. Yum.

  6. Maybe you can write a Kinley song yourself! You're so right, if you don't vote--you can't complain. And not voting is actually a vote for whoever gets in....

    1. Momma votes even though she feels like her vote does not really matter where she lives. But she does like to complain . . .

  7. Voting? What for? No matter what, it doesn't change anything for the better. Obama ran as a peace candidate and if the first President to serve at least 2 terms and the country was at war every single day. No change so far.

    1. Da military industrial complex are wayyy too powerful. Sigh.

  8. Oh yes, we were going to pick Michelle but went for Lucy in the Sky.

  9. I can't believe it's time to vote again. The time sure does get away from ya, doesn't it? I'm sorry for being late to dance with you, Kinley. I got side tracked on my artwork. Anywho, I love you have a little of something for everyone with your name song titles this week. Britney Spears, Avril, and Green Day are favorite artists of my once upon a time teen daughters. It always puts a smile on my face when I hear these singers mewsic. :D Have a fun weekend, my furriend.

  10. Nice outfit for super Tuesday. I'm a Green Day fan, and enjoyed Jolene and Michelle (old favorites) and the Avril/Alice in Wonderland song. Now Britney...hoo boy. Hope you got your steak.


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!