Sunday, March 22, 2020

Sunday Selfies

Hey pals! We hope everyone is doing ok wif all of this craziness. Da mommas went on da elusive hunt for toilet paper today - 8 stores and nuffin!

Yeah, it are nutty. Da hoarding is outta control. These peeps is hoardin toilet paper like we hoard toys!!

It wuz nasty and drizzly today, so no walks or bike rides. Momma is going even crazier. YIKES! It's a lotta work for a lil westie pup, but I are trying to cheer her up.


  1. Shucks...that was a lot of wasted effort to find some TP. Why do we need to hoard that stuff anyways? Just be patient peeps, cause you can go shopping every day...maybe shorter hours, but still...leave some for the next customers...

    Do they not have limits there on how many you can buy?? We have that here...2 paper products in each category, and maybe up to five for some other items that are in high demand...and yes here too the shelves are bare or almost bare. Sheesh:(

    We know you pups will do your furry best to cheer up your peeps...we are doing that here too...Dalton helped Benji dig out a couple of the front yard...oopsie. We heard some unmentionables from petcretary's mouth...but we were only trying to get the moles out of there...that kept her busy for a while with the shovel...see we pups know just how to get the peeps minds off covid19!!

    Cute selfies by the way!

    1. Most stores have got limits now. Dallas County (next door) limited it to one package of TP per customer, but all the stores are still wiped out. Pun not intended, BOL!

  2. do you remember how we shredded tp rolls just for fun? oooooh those were da days...

    1. Yeah, IKR? Just imagine how mad the peeps would be if I did it now.

  3. This hoarding is out of control. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  4. We pups do indeed have our work cut out right now.
    Would it help to point out that dogs have got by without toilet paper for thousands of years?
    Perhaps not!
    Toodle pip!

    1. BOL, well, momma says if worst comes to worst, she does have a handheld shower head.

  5. You all are looking great today. We have our paws crossed that your momma finds some TP soon.

    1. Brinley's momma wuz finally able to order some from Walmart online.

  6. Keep looking as radiant as you are, and your moms will stop crying I am sure. Dazzle the drizzle away! Hopefully there will be some bacon discovered along with a huge supply of loo paper ;)
    Stay safe and well

    1. For some reason, the humans weren't hoarding bacon! NUTS!

  7. I think it must be squirrels. They the ones full of it.

  8. We hope this craziness blows over soon! Hang in there ladies!

  9. Our peeps happened to pick up Costco sized tp early February as that is when they needed it so they started this was 33 rolls. We hope that lasts them for a bit!

  10. Yep...a lotta work keepin' the peeps calm these days. We think cookin' bacon is a good activity for peeps. Just sayin'.

  11. Mama got lucky and went to Costco for TP a week before all of the craziness started...hopefully it will last her and Daddy long enough for the hoarders to realize THEY ARE STILL MAKING AND SHIPPING TOILET PAPER!!
    Peeps are silly sometimes...
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  12. Here they are hoarding kitty litter too. I guess that is what comes next.

    1. Here no one seems to be hoarding pet food. Guess they only care about their own butts.

  13. Kinley, the world is a crazy place to be. Right now we are very glad to be four-footed so we don't have to worry about toilet paper and hand sanitizer. We do just fine with our tongues. Can I get an Amen?


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