Friday, April 9, 2021

Flower Friday

Happy Friday pals!!

We had a fun day today and we got a good walk in where we got to bark da nayborhood zombies.

It's also Flower Friday.

Today, da blog hop's theme are Flowers for Marg to celebrate Marg's birthday. 

Happy birthday Marg!

We has TONS of irises blooming - luckily da big bad freeze didn't hurt them.

This white one is the first one to bloom in Angel Whitley's garden. 

Have a good weekend pals!


  1. Your irises are gorgeous!!

    And a Happy Birthday to the very special Marg!!

  2. We were hoping it was time for some of your magnificent irises!

  3. You girls look great and those flowers are so beautiful!

  4. What pretty irises! Our's are just leaves right now. It will be a few more weeks before they'll have flowers. Yes, they're pretty hardy too, and don't mind the cold weather.

    1. Yeah, they are doing well. Our azaleas are another issue.

  5. What beautiful flowers you all have to sniff there!


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!