Saturday, December 31, 2022

Yappy New Year!

Yappy New Year!

We are ready to kick some dirt over 2022, if ya knows what I mean.

We's also ready to find some snacks - come on mommas, make wif da noms!

We're hoping all our pals have a yappy happy new year's!

And someone speshul to give a kissy to at midnight!!

Friday, December 30, 2022

Saying Goodbye to 2022


Hey pals!

Well, we has had a good couple days to close out 2022.

We has gotten to go on our nayborhood Zombie Patrols and do some good barkins.

Now it are time to start planning our New Year's Resolutions.

I'm thinkin learnin how to open da fridge would be a good one. Speshully since dere are smoked turkey in there!

Monday, December 26, 2022

Boxing Day

Happy yappy Boxing Day!

Well, we mostly just hung around da house and napped today, but we did get in a good Zombie Patrol and bark some ferushus zombie dogs, so P-Town are once again safe, fanks to da Double Trouble westies! 

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Merry Crispmouse!


Merry Crisp Mouse y'all!

Well, it wuz mostly a good Christmas here. Da power went out for like 2 hours tonite which annoyed da mommas (and Brinley since she wuz missing her TV). But it came back on, so all are right in our world.

We raised outta bed in our scottie pjs to see if Santa had come. 

Well, he came for da humans,

And for us!!

Then we changed into our new tropical Christmas dresses.

We wuz styling.

It wuzn't quite a tropical Christmas here, but at least it wuz above freezing.

Which helps if da power are gonna go out!

Here's a closeup of da dress.

We wuz turning on da Christmas cute.

Of course we had to take a pic together, that's what BFFs do.

Then it wuz present time!

Wow, I got so many presents!!

But Brinley really scored fanks to dat Facebook Ponzi scheme, BOL. 

Hmmm, I'm gonna hafta steal some of those toys!!

Merry Christmas!!

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Christmas Eve!


Ok, so I wuz up late wif my momma and I think I needed some coffee to start da day, BOL!

Ok, that's better! Well, as ya can see, me and Brinley started da day in our elf jammies. 

We had a slumber pawty in my momma's room last nite.

Then there wuz a costume change to get ready for Christmas Eve!

Ho ho ho, we are ready for Santa!

We even got new dresses for him!

Brinley's momma finished em just in time!

Now we're all ready for da big day.

Ok, a lil modeling first, BOL.

Here's a close up.

Hopefully Santa remembers to stop by our house!

We has been extra good dis year, so we has a LONG list of presents we want.


I caught Brinley under da mistletoe . . . 

Yappy Howlidays and Merry Christmas!