Sunday, December 25, 2022

Merry Crispmouse!


Merry Crisp Mouse y'all!

Well, it wuz mostly a good Christmas here. Da power went out for like 2 hours tonite which annoyed da mommas (and Brinley since she wuz missing her TV). But it came back on, so all are right in our world.

We raised outta bed in our scottie pjs to see if Santa had come. 

Well, he came for da humans,

And for us!!

Then we changed into our new tropical Christmas dresses.

We wuz styling.

It wuzn't quite a tropical Christmas here, but at least it wuz above freezing.

Which helps if da power are gonna go out!

Here's a closeup of da dress.

We wuz turning on da Christmas cute.

Of course we had to take a pic together, that's what BFFs do.

Then it wuz present time!

Wow, I got so many presents!!

But Brinley really scored fanks to dat Facebook Ponzi scheme, BOL. 

Hmmm, I'm gonna hafta steal some of those toys!!

Merry Christmas!!


  1. It looks like you made out very well for Christmas and your tree is beautiful!

  2. You two got lots of pressies and you look so cute in your dresses. Merry Christmas!

  3. That is a lot of presents. 2 hours is a very short power outage time, but still sucks (we were almost 36 hours). Glad you had a great Christmas. Lee and Phod

    1. Yeah, it wuz just more of an annoyance than anything serious.

  4. Oops...I had a comment here...and forgot to post now its gone...sheesh, we need new brains for our petcretary.
    Merry Christmas on Boxing in Canada, its the day off for the Christmas holiday, and tomorrow will be the Boxing day observation. No wonder *her* brains are addled!

    You sure did have a great day!
    Sorry the power was off for a bit. At least even with all of our bad weather issues, the power stayed on.

  5. It looks like a great Christmas for you all! Glad the power wasn't off too much for you. Up here, we are used to the super cold and snow and the power doesn't go off here because of cold. Have a fun New Years Weekend!

    1. We think this time it wuz cuz somebody (probably drunk) hit a transformer.


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!