Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Yappy 2020!

Yappy 2020!

Last nite, we got our last baffs of da DECADE! 

Finley warned us not to get too eggcited. 

But tonite there are gonna be snacks and maybe a taste of champagne!

And kissing! I luv kissing!

I'm definitely ready for a new year.

2019 wuz a ruff year - Bowie joined our family and he makes everyone smile, but we also tragically lost Crockett. We all still miss him.

We're hoping for a happier 2020.


Sunday, December 29, 2019

Sunday Selfies

Hi pals! We're here with our selfies!

It wuz too cold/windy for a bike ride today, but at least we got our walk in.

And our barking. Lotsa barking. 

We just finished watching Spiderman: Homecoming and Brinley had LOTSA thoughts. And thought Captain America deserved a lot of barks in the post-credits scene.

See our new dresses?? They've got rainbow gators on em.

We kinda resembled gators tonite, snapping up pizza crust.

Here's a closeup.

I think we deserves lotsa pizza crusts, don't you??

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Rain Rain Go Away!

Well, it wuz a rainy dreary day here today. Which wuz no fun - no bike ride, no walks.

And we had to go out in da RAIN to "do our bizness." 

Which explains why we all look a lil bedraggled.

 And we know Christmas are over, but momma thought dis wuz a good post-Christmas t-shirt.

Da best part are - the treats did come!! Bacon and Three Dog Bakery cookies! YUM! 

Friday, December 27, 2019

Fashion Friday

Hi pals!

The three of us went on a Zombie Patrol this afternoon - and we barked all kindsa zombies - joggin zombies, bikin zombies, zombies wif zombie dogs, well ya name it!

Da nayborhood are all safe!

And me and Brinley did it wearing our Very Tuff Rainbow Kitty Cat dress dat we got for Christmas.  

Ya gotta be tuff when ya is wearing a Rainbow Kitty Cat dress.

Otherwise those zombies might get the wrong idea!

Here's a closeup of the buttons.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Boxing Day!

Happy Boxing Day! This are what Boxing Day are about right? Sitting in boxes. Anyways, momma said we reminded her of that scene from Lady and the Tramp where Lady is a Christmas present.

We think momma watches a lot of Disney movies, BOL. 

Even Finley got in on the Boxing Day action. Da mommas had to help her in and out of the box, but she'll pose anywhere for a cookie!  

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas pals!!

Me and Brinley tried to wait up for Santa last night. 

But it are hard when it you are SOOO tried.

So momma took me to bed.

Uh oh, I fell asleep on the Grinch pillow! I hope Santa don't get da wrong idea.

I wuz up early this morning!

Looks like Santa came!!


Those are all for us, right??

Santa came for da humans too!

Wow, look at that stuff!

I bet Santa wuz impressed wif our decorayshuns!

I hope he liked em - enuf to leave EXTRA presents!

We even have a mini tree in the living room.

And the living room wuz plenty lit up for Santa to see.

I wuz in my jammies to start out the day.

Come on, when are we getting presents??

Hmm, while I'm waiting I'll go see Grandpa.

My head looks HUGE!

Then Brinley got up.

She couldn't wait to see what Santa brought either.

I hope he got the memo from those elves that we wuz good. 

Finley led us in some Christmas meditation. "The toys are all MINE" is her mantra - at least it's what she kept repeating.

She says she earned em. Ummm, ok Finley. Not gonna happen.

Then we changed into our Christmas dresses.

Brinley wuz Christmas card ready!

I wuz just eggcited!


Gimme everything!

After all, it's all about presents for pretty girls, right??

Which means we should clean up!

Ok, we LUV posin together.

That's what friends are for.

Our momma's grabbed us for pics too. As ya can tell, it wuz a warm Christmas. 

I tried to go for Grandma's stocking. There wuz candy in there after all!

Ok, I'l give Grandpa kisses instead.

What can ya say, I luv Christmas!

And hugs!

Lotsa hugs!

Brinley wuz enjoyin it too!

All this wrap are fun to play in!

Finally, time for my presents!

What can it be??

A Santa stuffy!

And a lil snowflake!

And look at this one!

A sloth!

I open pressies wif my paws. Finley uses her fangs and Brinley makes the humans do it for her. 

A singing bunny stuffy!

And tennis balls!

Wow, look at the loot! I also got a jacket and a new dress!

Mine all mine!

Finley wiz eggcited about Christmas too!

All the Christmas excitement wore Brinley out!

Stuffies are good for napping on too! 

BOL, maybe Brinley shouldn't have stayed up so late waiting for Santa.

Merry Christmas!!!