Monday, December 9, 2019

Monday Selfies

Yeah, da momma are late wif getting our selfies up!

I mean, it are barely still Monday.

But ya know what I say - better late than pregnant!

And we have some double selfies too.

For once, Brinley wuz the smiley one and I'm the serious one!

Then we both got serious. Serious about that treat momma wuz holding.

Well, momma has been busy! She's been making cookies (I've been snoopervising and taste-testing what hits the floor), sewing presents for ME, and she mailed out my cards today.

I've got extras, so lemme know if ya want one.

We've also been going on walks in the early evening so we can see da Christmas lights.

There's not a ton to see around here though - our house is one of the most lit-up ones in the nayborhood.

I mean, who woulda thought my momma would go over the top on somefin?? BOL BOL!

I'm just hoping Santa Paws goes over the top on my presents!


  1. it's never to late for selfies and specially for that cute double selfies!

  2. Beautiful Christmas selfies, girls!

  3. Looking pretty perky for a Monday morning, girls!

  4. As always, your dresses are adorable!

  5. You girls are all so cute in your holiday outfits.

  6. She does go over the top on baffs.

  7. It's always so busy at your house! But you look nice in your Christmas outfits. Hope you get some special yummies.

  8. Momma wishes the two of us posed as pretty as the two of you

  9. Oh, I LOVE those selfies, and the doubles are the bestest!
    Did we hear the treat bags being opened?? YUM!


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!