Tuesday, December 17, 2019

New Christmas Dresses

Hey pals!

Well, da mommas are still in full Christmas mode - dey are wrapping presents now.

Finley can't wait to get to unwrapping em!

She are da toy opening queen - me and Brinley will open too, but nobody can beat how fast Finley are! 

My momma made us new Christmas dresses dis weekend.

Brinley are lookin cute in hers!

One side are pink wif tons of ornaments.

And dere are Christmas tree buttons!

Today we wore da reverse side.

Ya wanna see??

There's Santa, reindeers, Christmas trees, wreaths . . . 

All kindsa Christmas stuff!

Do ya think we'll get bonus points from Santa for lookin cute?? 

I hope so!

There's even Santa buttons.

So hopefully seeing us pose so cute will get Santa to leave us LOTSA presents!!


  1. Tons of ornaments on dresses - you'll fit in with the rest of your festive household!

  2. that are super wonderful dresses! and that's nice to wrap all gifts so you have a busy christmas day ;O)

  3. Those dresses are so cute and you look adorable in them.

  4. Your idea of bonus points won't work. You did that last year and you'll get the same bonus as last year.

  5. Wow! Your momma sure is busy! Decorations, bandanas, and dresses too! Does she ever sleep?

  6. You've got a real Christmas industry in your house! We think 'cute' is going to get you over the line this year....

  7. Like little doll babies, they could not be any cuter!

  8. Of course you will cute points and those Santa buttons should seal the deal

  9. Those dresses are perfect for you, and you are great little models.


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!