Friday, October 18, 2019

Frightful Fashion and Flowers Friday

Hi pals! TGIF - which I always says means thank god I'm fluffy.

Well, we don't really have any fall leaves to show off yet. A few trees here are starting to turn, but we usually get better fall color in November. And since it are fall, we only have a few flowers blooming.

Some of the tropical hibiscus are still sending up flowers.

The weird thing is the flowers are way smaller than they were back in August.

We've also had lotsa spider lilies pop up all over the yard.

Ok, we don't really have a lotta flowers. But we do have some frightful fashion! 

The other side of our new Howloween dresses!

Momma LUVS Howloween and The Nightmare Before Christmas, so she had to get this fabric for us.

This is Howloween, this is Howloween - we've been listening to her sing that since October 1!

And yeah, there are Jack, Sally, and Zero buttons!

Boo bitches!


  1. Mom remembers seeing spider lilies when she lived in Louisiana. They are so beautiful! Love your Halloween dresses!

  2. Those sure are beautiful flowers you have. Your dresses are so cute too.


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!