Saturday, October 12, 2019

Westie Weekend

Hey pals!

How's it going?

We got some cooler weather here!

Da three of us LUV it!

Not my momma though. She's a summer girl.

Maybe my cute face will cheer her up?

Or maybe some Finley kisses.

We got ATTACKED last nite. All three of us.

Attacked with grooming tools! 

This cold weather stuff are dangerous! We need it to be warmer to get da mommas back outside and away from grooming strippers and scissors and brushes. 

Oh and I know I've told y'all about how I LUV Bowie. Well, here are da proof. I mean, I'm letting him clean the plate wif me. Momma says she's never seen 2 animals more in luv, much less different species. We just can't get enuf of each other.


  1. Kinley, I'm totally with you about the grooming thing, but can't help question your sanity in sharing your dinner with a CAT (however cute he is)...
    Toodle pip!

  2. We let Pipo come and sniff us, and sometimes we get to sniff him, but us pups have not evfur shared food with him!

    Bowie sure is a brave little dude:)

    We don't allow petcretary to groom us other than our tootsies, and that under protest, BOL! She doesn't know how to do that grooming thing, but a bath?? Yup she knows that skill, bwahahaha!

  3. If I ate dinner with a cat, I'd be afraid that I would be dinner.

  4. You girls all look great after your grooming session. We can't believe you let Bowie eat from the same plate as you.

  5. It's getting cooler out here too, and we enjoy it. As long as it doesn't get cold enough for snow …

  6. Your mom won't be able to stay sad for long with such pretty faces around her.

  7. Cooler weather is always the best. This time of year is just our favorite until the winter cold comes. Your cute faces will definitely cheer your mom up. Thanks for sharing. Have a fantastic rest of your day.
    World of Animals


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!