Sunday, October 27, 2019

Sunday Selfies

Hey pals! Well, furst up, I has some good news. My kitty brofur Travis are doing a lil better. He had to have some medicines which he are not a big fan of, but he didn't get da pukeys today.

Da mommas has been very worried bout him - he's a sweet kitty and he just can't seem to kick dis illness, even though he's been to da vet multiple times.

We're all happy he's feeling a lil better today.

We wuz all also happy it stopped raining, so we didn't hafta have soggy selfies!!

Plus, we got our walks in.

It's VERY important to be on da lookout for zombies dis time of year - dey are everywhere!


  1. So pleased to hear that Travis is doing better.
    And that you guys are having some non-soggy walkies.

  2. We are so happy to hear that Travis is doing better and we hope that he continues to get better and better!

  3. Poor kitty has been ill for a long time now. Hope he is finally getting better.

  4. that are great news and we hope you can share much more good news about your bro... hugs and lots of POTP

  5. We birds don't like to get too close to cats but Travis is probably one of the better cats. I'm happy for his improvement.

  6. Gorgeous selfies, everyone! We're glad you didn't do soggy selfies too, just think of the mess it would have caused your moms ;)
    I'm glad you all looking after your bro, Travis, especially if them zombie bacon fiends try and take advantage of him not eating his rasher rations and feeling down.

  7. Looks like things are shaping up for a great week. Travis feeling better, rain stopping, walkies--without a possible bath afterwards, and lots of zombies to bark at later in the week. Yep, looks like a good week coming up.

  8. Boo to all those Zombies, BOL!

    Glad to know Travis is doing better, that is really good news! We are wiggling and wagging our paws/tails for him with loads of POTP.

    We had over 4 inches of rain in our gauges, but today was nice. Petcretary got lots of yard work done to put it to 'winter mode'. Of course we snoopervised!

  9. That is terrific news about Travis. We will keep the prayers going.

  10. We're glad your kitty brother is starting to feel better. Hope you all got some bacon for your lovely poses.

  11. @Bouncing Bertie - Da non-sogginess wuz short-lived, BOL.
    @Molly the AireGirl - So far, so good!
    @My GBGV Life - Yeah, he's been off and on sick for a month or more. :(
    @easyweimaraner - Fanks!
    @Kismet - He's a good one. He never bites or scratches anyone.
    @Erin the Cat Princess - No zombies are gonna be stealin bacon here!
    @Bella Roxy & Macdui - Shhhh wif da BAFF talk!
    @Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs - Brinley's momma had been working like crazy earlier dis month to get everything planted!
    @Foley Monster, Pocket and River Song - Fanks!
    @C.L.W.STEP - We did on Saturday!


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!