Friday, October 25, 2019

Soggy Paws

It has been WET and cold here for da last couple days. Which means we has a case of soggy paws!

Ya ever noticed how mommas really want ya to do your bizness quick when it are wet and cold?? Don't dey know we is just enjoying da weather of our ancestral homeland?? 

Finley says dis kinda weather and for da burds. And by burds she means penguins.

So, as ya can tell, our backyard time has been non-existent and we didn't get a long walk either.

Guess we're just gonna hafta find things inside to bark at.

Our kitty Travis has had another relapse of being sick - momma is so confused. She's trying to get him better, but he just keeps gettin sick. We're hoping it's nuffin serious. I think westie kissies would help, but momma said no. I say ya never know unless ya try . . .


  1. Soggy weather (and we have a lot of this) means too much towel action on the paws in this household.
    Toodle pip!
    PS Sending 'please get better soon' air kisses to Travis

  2. We have had some of that yucky wet and cold weather here too, though Friday was pretty nice for this time of the year...

    Sending licks and wags to Travis and lots of that POTP.

  3. Oh, how I feel your pain ... I, too, am not allowed to play in our yard when the ground is wet and muddy, and that is just the way I like it best! And
    walks ... well, those are just "short-sweet", like to the mailbox and back! Who'd call that a walk! Really?
    I'm sending a paws-hug, a gentle one cause my paws are big, for sweet Travis as I do wish for betterness very soon.
    Your friend, Dougie Dog

  4. Our soggy weather comes in tonight and all day tomorrow. Get better soon, Travis. AireZen in on its way!

  5. We are very sorry to hear about Travis. It was wet here a few days last week. We don't really care because we are so happy to be home!

  6. I know what you mean! My ghostwriter hates it when I stay outside too long in the cold wet weather. Hopefully you ladies will get some nicer weather. Here in WNY, it will only get more cold and wet.

  7. Ditto what Chester said just above us. We live in the same county and our weather has been cold and wet lately. At least we haven't had our first snow yet. We usually do by now.

  8. We think Westie kisses might just be the right thing. We hope Travis can kick over whatever is makin' him sick.

    We don't like water on our backs, so we'd be sleeping all day.

  9. My peeps are trying to find a spot that has weather of their ancestral home, Mars,

  10. We have had cold and wet weather too. Not much fun. When it is cold outside and they have to pee our parents are really funny.

  11. @Bouncing Bertie - Fanks. Travis seems better now. We're hopin he stays dat way.
    @Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs - It is COLD here today!
    @Zoolatry Fanks Dougie Dog!
    @Molly the AireGirl - Fank you!
    @Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady - We just miss our walks.
    @C.L.W.STEP - It's cold here too - it's gonna freeze tomorrow nite!
    @Millie and Walter - Momma would go nuts if she had to deal with snow in October.
    @Bella Roxy & Macdui - Finley HATES it too.
    @Foley Monster, Pocket and River Song - Fanks.
    @Kismet - BOL!
    @Foley Monster, Pocket and River Song - Dey sure are!


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!