Sunday, October 13, 2019

Sunday Selfies

Happy Sunday pals! Well, maybe NOT if you're a Cowboys fan, BOL. Well, at least my momma got to swim today so dat made her happy. And we got to run around the backyard and bark her, which made US happy!

She are a NUTSO to go get in dat cold water. I think she needs some westies in her lap to warm her up! 

Even better if she decides to share foodz wif em, right Finley???


  1. You need water wings to go and play with Mom heh heh!!!

  2. Swimming in October...OMD! Well, maybe in Texas, we guess...BOL! Not here in Michigan, it only was about 46F here all day. Brrr!

    Sweet selfies:)

  3. A lap of the pool is definitely not the sort of lap I would choose, MOL
    Have a great week, and here's to the Cowboys winning—maybe they should take a plunge in your ma's pool and have some coaching from you all? ;)

  4. Swimming in October at my house would be brrrrrrrrrrr for a hooman!

  5. We are very happy Vikings fans, so it was a good Sunday for football at our house.

  6. You girls are all looking great. Too bad about your Cowboys though.

  7. Sorry to hear about your football team losing. Our favorite team, the Bills lost yesterday too. Oh well.

  8. Our sympathies about the Cowboys. There is nothing worse than losing to the Jets


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!