Friday, March 13, 2020

Flower Friday

Hi pals!

We hope y'all are doing ok. Momma went to da grocery store last nite and she said da panic-buying was NUTS - it was 9 PM and the store wuz packed wif people stocking up on toilet paper and bottled water. There wuz almost NO flour left and one woman had 20 boxes of spaghetti. No sauce, no olive oil, no cream, just spaghetti. WEIRD.

We tried to convince da mommas to panic-buy steaks and dog treats, but no such luck.

Today we stayed home. But not cause of coronavirus. Cuz it wuz RAINING like crazy!

But for some reason, we had to get baffs too! What da woof??

So these flower pics aren't from today but they are from this week - our spring garden are getting started! Hope ya like seeing our blooms - it shure beats looking for toilet paper!

Flowers beat hysteria any day.


  1. Thank you SO MUCH for this beautiful diversion from all the total craziness.

    You all look rather damp, but we don't think that was post bathtime, but before?!

    We had lovely sunshine, though it was only about 45F.

  2. Who needs toilet paper? Just let fly on the bottom of your cage.

    1. I say just poop in da naybor's yard! Momma says there wuz ackshually some jogger who kept doing that here - she wuz called the Plano Pooper and wuz a legend on Next Door.

  3. Those are gorgeous flowers!! But the world is just nuts. Toilet paper and water....sheesh....and even worse baffs when it rains. Just Kerazy.

  4. Your flowers are just beautiful!

  5. Those are such pretty flowers. Thanks for sharing since it will be a couple of months before we see anything like that here.

  6. You sure have some nice flowers! My GW did the shopping earlier this week, so we're good.

  7. Mom pasta with no sauce . . . People are silly.

    1. Watching people who don't know how to cook shop is pretty funny.

  8. Gorgeous pups and gorgeous flowers - come on Spring!


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!