Friday, December 31, 2021

Yappy New Year's!


Yappy New Year's! We're hopin 2022 are better dan 2021, it kinda sucked da big one.

So we are ready for 2022! And also ready for some of those New Year's Eve snackables!

 Arooo, here's hopin for better in 2022!

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Ending 2021 in Style


Ok, it are not New Year's Eve yet, but it are New Year's Eve Eve and we has some new dresses to show off!

My momma made us dese dresses for Christmas!

Dey has a baking theme.

Complete wif mixer buttons.

Does dis mean she are gonna be baking up some dog cookies soon??

We can hope!

Saturday, December 25, 2021


Merry Christmas y'all!

Well, I tried to stay up for Santa but I got tired and I fell asleep. Well, as da poem says, da westies were nestled all snug in dere beds, while vishuns of t-bones danced in dere heads. Whaddya mean I has da words wrong momma?

Den I had to come check out da tree to see what Santa brought!

Brinley wuz a lil sleepy dis morning.

But she perked up when she saw da pressies!

Ok, but before presents we also changed into a Christmas dress.

And momma made me pose for pictures wif her.

Ok, presents time!

Wow - look at all this fun stuff!

Three brand new toys!

And a new dress!

Brinley wuz excited about her presents too!

Merry Christmas y'all!

Friday, December 24, 2021

Christmas Eve!


Merry Christmas Eve y'all!

We're waiting for Santa Paws!

Our living room are all ready for him.

Ok, apparently Angelique are not impressed wif my jokes. Geez, everyone's a critic. Let's look at some Christmas decorations instead - dis are our living room.

Hope he packs his shorts since Christmas Day are sposed to be in da 80s! 

Those elves are up to their naughty tricks again. We got some more blackmail photos - just in case.

Now we know where da Christmas cookies went.

Yeah, I don't think you're sposed to pick up chicks on da job guys. Good thing we got photos - now they are gonna hafta tell Santa we wuz good pups.

Yappy Howlidays y'all!

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Christmas Eve Eve


Happy Christmas Eve Eve.

So there we were looking all cute and waiting for Santa.

Then my momma got an idea. An awful idea. A not-so-wonderful awful idea.

It involved baths and pedicures and scissors and a grooming table and all kinda implements of torture! You'll hafta wait to tomorrow to see what we look like since these pics are pre-grooming. Anyways, on a MUCH better note, since it are almost Christmas, I thought ya might wanna see some of our decorations this year. Today I'll be showing my momma's room here (and bathroom, MOL) and the outside lights.

They light up the alley and carport too.

Now for my momma's room (and bathroom!)

I think we're decorated enuf for Santa!