Saturday, December 18, 2021

Ho Ho Ho!


Only one more week left until Christmas!

We can't wait!

Right now, Brinley are goin crazy over A Christmas Story. She goes NUTS when she sees Scut Farkus, BOL.

Oh, and da mean Santa and da scene wif da kid who sticks his tongue on da pool and da Bumpus hounds, and when Ralphie fantasizes about shooting robbers, and well, pretty much da whole movie. 

I mostly just look confused as to why she are barking so much.

We also has a Caturday Art contribushun from my momma.

Who wouldn't want a westie for Christmas? MUCH better dan hippopotamuseses or teeths!


  1. You look so cute. I am sure Santa is going to treat you very wll.

  2. Love you and your Santa hats!! Petcretary worked today...and she wore a strand of jingle bells and a really silly Penguin hat...which of course was wearing his own Santa hat...and no no one took a picture...thankfully! LOL! It was fun to make all the residents giggle though.

  3. We always love seeing your momma's sketches. Of course she has the best subject matter.

  4. What a cute sketch! Your Momma is so talented.

  5. It must be difficult to watch that movie with all the barking going on. BOL! You two sure look cute.

  6. We'll have to be sure to watch that movie again soon. It's one of our favorites too!

  7. Merry Christmas to y'all, and that includes the Ghost of Finley.

    1. Yeah, da first Christmas without Finley wuz sad, we all miss her.


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!