Sunday, December 19, 2021

Sunday SELFies


Ugh, they are back. Aubrey McTwinkle and Elwood O'Jingle are back in town to torment us innocent pups. Ya'd think global warming and our almost 80 degree days earlier this month woulda kept em away, but NO. We can't be dat lucky. 

Since they has gotten up to all kindsa naughtiness before, we has an agreement. They don't tell on us, and we don't tell on them.

But they still like to tease us pups. And make threats. 

In better and non-elfin news, we got new Christmas hoodies.

Maybe I can hide from these elves wif it.

Santa won't mind, right??

I mean, he looks like a guy who understands just how tempting cookies can be.

Just sayin. . . 


  1. its ok for santa we buy a new santa coat every year is expensive when it becomes bigger and bigger LOL

    1. BOL BOL, so we're just helping him out on his diet, right?

  2. Santa needs those cookies to keep up his jiggly/jolly profile!
    Ho Ho Ho!!

    Maybe if you eat up a cookie off his plate you can replace it with something else...a kitty kibble?? We used to try and snag those, so they must be yummy!

  3. What a cute hoodie! Santa also looks like a guy who doesn't really need to eat every cookie left out for him. BOL!

  4. MOL111 I LOVe your jumper!!! It had me in fits of giggles!!!

  5. You ban get in Santa's good graces by deading those elves.They eat a log of Santa's food (look at him, he's starving).

    1. Yeah, he's gotta be wasting away the way dem elves eat OUR cookies.

  6. Replies
    1. They really aren't dat bad once ya get to know em.


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!