Friday, December 24, 2021

Christmas Eve!


Merry Christmas Eve y'all!

We're waiting for Santa Paws!

Our living room are all ready for him.

Ok, apparently Angelique are not impressed wif my jokes. Geez, everyone's a critic. Let's look at some Christmas decorations instead - dis are our living room.

Hope he packs his shorts since Christmas Day are sposed to be in da 80s! 

Those elves are up to their naughty tricks again. We got some more blackmail photos - just in case.

Now we know where da Christmas cookies went.

Yeah, I don't think you're sposed to pick up chicks on da job guys. Good thing we got photos - now they are gonna hafta tell Santa we wuz good pups.

Yappy Howlidays y'all!


  1. Your house looks lovely. I bet Santa would like a lick from you. Those elves are nothing but trouble

  2. Merry Christmas to all of you!

  3. Merry Christmas to your entire family.

  4. Merry Eve of Christmas!! Looks like you pups made those naughty elves do a bunch of push-ups! Or they were drunk from the rum...

    All your decor is pawsome! It makes petcretary feel bedazzled!


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!