Saturday, February 27, 2021

Stylin Saturday


Hey pals!

Well, it wuz a rainy dreary day here. 

But we still got dressed up, even if we had nowhere to go.

Dis are da other side of our new dress.

It has more grapes and some pears too.

Here are a closeup.

Ok, back to watching da TV.

Dat Netflix don't watch itself.


  1. All dressed up and no place to go. That sounds like a familiar experience. Well the 'no place to go' bit anyway...
    Toodle pip!
    PS Your dresses are cute.

  2. If Netflix watched itself it would be bored.

  3. We like that side of your dresses too. Rainy weather is no fun. We hope the sun shines soon for you.

  4. We have a dreary day here too. Your dresses sure brightened thing up!

  5. We have the bright sunshine for a least for a wee bit, the clouds are due back anytime!!
    We hope your warm Texas sunbeams return ASAP! Goodness knows you need them:)

    Those dresses and grape buttons make the peeps yearn for a nice glass of the fermented kind, BOL!


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!