Saturday, February 27, 2021

Stylin Saturday


Hey pals!

Well, it wuz a rainy dreary day here. 

But we still got dressed up, even if we had nowhere to go.

Dis are da other side of our new dress.

It has more grapes and some pears too.

Here are a closeup.

Ok, back to watching da TV.

Dat Netflix don't watch itself.

Friday, February 26, 2021

New Dresses!

Dirty dog's white is greige
Some say gray, some say beige
Her paw and skirt are muddy
Dirt is her bestest buddy
Then water is restored
And from the tap is poured
So dirt is washed away
Nothing griege can stay

Ok Brinley, maybe I are no Roberta Frost, but I did wanna tell our pals we had to get baffs yesterday.

We survived. 

And today we got new dresses!

Finley got a new bandana.

Dey are grape-themed.

My momma says she likes her grapes furmented.

I guess I could go rub on her grapes, but it are kinda of a weird request right??

Oh and just in case ya didn't know - while we may look cute in our grape dresses, pups should definitely NOT eat grapes. They are toxic to us. 

Good thing these lil buttons aren't da real deal.

Well, I think I look pretty grape, don't you? 

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

What a Difference a Week Makes

So a week ago, it wuz like our house got transportated to da North Pole.

We had all dis white stuff to play in. It wuz crazy cold too!

Today it wuz 81. Dat are like about 85 degrees warmer dan we wuz a week ago! 

Which meant I got to go on a bike ride today!

And we got to spend time out back - except da momma wuz in a bikini and laying by da pool instead of in a parka and sheepskin boots.

Finley likes da warm weather a lot better. Dat ice and snow wuz hard on her. I kinda liked it, but it looks like our normal Texas winters are back. 

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Sunday Selfies


It's Sunday so it's selfie time!

Our snow are all gone now, so we wuz able to go on a walk today. And yeah, it wuz starting to melt yesterday, but most people around here don't shovel or salt their sidewalks and momma did not want to tromp through da slush. So we had to wait till today. It wuz good to be out there again!

My momma are also making somefin new for da three of us - maybe it'll be done later this week!

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Texas Thaw

So we is finally thawing out down here in Texas. As ya can see, me and Brinley wore our Mexican jackets, but we didn't take any trips to Cancun. We is not senators. 

Most people have gotten their power back, but millions of people are still under boil water orders and there are lotsa broken pipes around.

Our snow are melting and Finley are glad - da snow and ice wuz really hard on her since she are so old.

I wore my llama pajamas to stay warm and cuddly.

Da snow wuz fun to play in - too bad it came wif all dose other problems for da peeples.

At least we have plenty of dog food. Da people food are in short supply.

Luckily, I don't think da mommas are gonna start eating OUR food.

At least we hope not.

Thursday, February 18, 2021



So we is still in a deep freeze. It are not really scary cold anymore though, so it are more fun to run around and play in.

We luckily still have power and water, but our city has warned everyone dat water supplies are very low and to only use water for handwashing, drinking, and da toilet. 

Which means we got to skip our weekly bath! Hey, I kinda think we should keep this up!!