Sunday, December 13, 2020

Sunday Selfies

Well, it wuz kinda borin around here today - it was rainy so we didn't get a walk or a bike ride or anything.  

We did beg some tasty noms though. 

 And those elves are being real stinky - wait till you see what they've been up to!


  1. we have that awful rain too... and we can not wait to hear what da elves did... something funny we bet ;O)

  2. There is an elf on our shelf here too...sheesh, why are there SO MANY??

    Great selfies!!

  3. Yuck. Rainy days are only good for one thing and that is napping.

  4. You do look bored. I'll send over a lit firecracker to liven things up.

  5. Oh oh! What could those sneaky elves be doing now?


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!